What loves and hates do you have?


New member
I am begining to hate a few of the AS's out there. Here is my top 3 hated and top 3 liked.
HATED#1: Fina- because I have to wake up in the middle of the night to change clothes that I sweat through, not that I can sleep more than 3 hours at a time without waking up.
HATED#2:EQ-because the anxiety makes me a neurotic nut case at times and screws my confidence.
HATED#3: Dbol-because it swells the nips up

LOVES#1: Deca-because I still make gains off it and it sooths the aches and pains so well
LOVES#2: Anadrol- because regardless of its sides, I love the aggression and strength even if it is short lived
LOVES#3: Anavar-because its just quality, hardness is great

Don't get me wrong I will still take the hated ones!!!!
Fina, same reason as you.
Dbol/Winny, orals too hard on the body.

test, test and more test.
Also love arimadex to control est. and reduce bloat.
The ones I love are:
1.Test Enan
2. EQ
3. Fina
4. D-bol
The only one I really don't like:
1. Anadrol 50, I blow up like a ballon, hold too much water!!
1. test (any test)
2. fina (great strength and can lean out while using)
3. EQ, Deca (depending on my goal both complenet test well)

1. dbol (to much water retention and BP goes through the roof)
Its a love hate relationship:

Test (including enanthate, cyp, prop) love the gains and the sides are easly controllable

EQ- I really like this drug for the simple fact that it gives me the muchies so bad. This makes bulking A LOT easier.

Deca- I get no prog sides, nice gains, but I tend to have a hard time with recovery.

Dboll- the bloat gets a little out of hand, but as far as orals I like dboll.

Winstroll- My very favorite, great for strength, I get no sides.

Suspension- I know this should come under the other testosterones but I like to use suspension at the end of the cycle (rather than prop) Just my personal pref.

Anadrol- I'm still undecided on this one.....it would be at the top if I could just figure out how to hold onto the gains.

Anavar- I love this drug period. Great for strength, gains are held and its easy on the bod. Make a great bridge.

Halo- As soon as I find some, I will let you know my opinion.

Primo- never tried and never will

Proviron- From now on I will never run a cycle w/o it. I can get the same gains on 500mg of test (with 25mg of Proviron ed) than what I could on 750 or even a gram.

Sust/Omna- Anyone who understands how esters work, cant deny that Sustanon (sust) can provides good gains. But an expirenced user like myself, could easyly get better gains off a single ester stacked with proviron.

Tren/Fina/Para- I refuse to use it anymore untill I can find a source for my G$B. Gives me insomina unlike any other, on top of that I already suffer from chronic insomina as it is,,so you get the picture. But needless to say it IS a great drug.

Clen/T3- I hate both of these drugs alltogether. I can get the same results from changing my diet, rather than have to fuck with my thryoid.

DNP-Never tried and I never will.

Slin- only use with test or test and GH

GH- I like this drug if used properly with test and slin. Also like to run it for long periods of time.
Short or no ester Test

Dbol(gave me slight gyno and gives me moonface)
Winny(kills my joints and hair line)
Powerhouse9 said:
HATED#2:EQ-because the anxiety makes me a neurotic nut case at times and screws my confidence.

Never heard there was a EQ-anxiety attack connection... I'm not saying it doesn't happen to you but I suppose it's fairly rare?
Re: Re: What loves and hates do you have?

cali said:
Never heard there was a EQ-anxiety attack connection... I'm not saying it doesn't happen to you but I suppose it's fairly rare?
it happens to some, but i think it is the exception to the rule. Although a lot of newbies just regurgitate what they have heard, so it seems more commonplace than it actually is
Re: Re: What loves and hates do you have?

cali said:
Never heard there was a EQ-anxiety attack connection... I'm not saying it doesn't happen to you but I suppose it's fairly rare?

Actually its a rather popular side effect of EQ. Especially at higher dosages, usually 600 mg/wk and up.

Ask Nimrod25, he told me he would never go over 700 mg/wk as he experienced some anxiety attacks at high dosages.
Roadhouse, because I am newbie to the board doesnt mean I am a newbie to the game. I've got 6 years experience with the AS. Not quite a rookie, obviously I've taken it, otherwise why the hell would I say it gives me anxiety?
I love tren and test, particularly prop (I'd probably love susp too)
I love d-bol, nice size and strength w/o too bad of sides
I love letro b/c I hate being bloated (although i don't think I'd mind the boobs part so much :p )
I hate EQ, it did nothing for me and wouldn't help my appetite (although I will give it another try one day to be sure)
I liked slin, really helped me put on some size quick

I love cutting and hate bulking

PH9, I'm pretty sure he wasn't calling you a rookie...

We should do a thread like this pertaining to training and diet.
love test , hate clen [ overrated ] , love t3 ,love dnp , hate winnie [ hair ] and did i mention i really love test lol
Powerhouse9 said:
Roadhouse, because I am newbie to the board doesnt mean I am a newbie to the game. I've got 6 years experience with the AS. Not quite a rookie, obviously I've taken it, otherwise why the hell would I say it gives me anxiety?
I dont think I ever said you were a newbie, nor did i say it was complete BS. I said some do get it, but on baords like Elite, some 16 year old hears it, then preaches it like its God's word.
Roadhouse, Iam with ya on that one and no harm done. Sometimes ya read stuff the wrong way when its 4 in the morning. The thing I love the most is when some 1st timer takes dbol, and like 3 tabs a day. And because he hears it makes people rage you see them have these weird played up dbol rages. Like they are trying to make themselves pissed off or something. I just wanna smack the hell outta them. Has anybody else seen this, its hilarious.
Terminator, I will be more specific next time. By the way I love long walks on the beach and dining out, and I hate having to take a crap in a chinese restaurant. (amazing thing to me is these chinese restaurants have a bathroom that is like 100 square feet and just one toilet and sink. You can hear echoes)
Powerhouse9 said:
Terminator, I will be more specific next time. By the way I love long walks on the beach and dining out, and I hate having to take a crap in a chinese restaurant. (amazing thing to me is these chinese restaurants have a bathroom that is like 100 square feet and just one toilet and sink. You can hear echoes)

ANAVAR....hardness is unreal
PROP.....the only test I will use!
DECA......so smooth, no sides at all for me!
HGH....The difference is slow but worth it!


D-BALL.....makes me feel like a fat ass
SUST.....it just sucks
WINNY.....I love my hair plus my joints kill me at times!
CLEN......I feel sick on it!
kill the makers of clen and t-3, i am a nervous bastard to start with,,, give me a 100 blue v's and i might take the shit. halo is the all time cut leader,, contest or not ,, lean or not, in my opinion,,, . sus sucks, enanthate is the best besides prop. Winstrol (winny) injet, has not done a thing for me, although the 50 mg. Winstrol (winny) tabs are the shit, right before a workout. havent done hgh, or slin yet,, thinking................................oh yeah, i forgot, eq was excellent at givin me large bolus zits..... nothin else...