I want to convert 100ml of 250mgs/ ml of 200mgs test cyp and 50mgs test prop. I hope my math is correct, I will need 20grams of test cyp and 5grams of prop. What % should I use for the ba and bb. Thanks
You got the powder weight right. I would try it at 4%BA 8%BB. I like a little BB just to make sure it stays in solution. Measurements would be as follows:
69.25ml Oil
25 grams Powder
4ml BA
I'm new to "home chem" but have had great success so far. Interesting brew ya got going. Are you going to shoot it every EOD or maybe even E3D?
just to be on the safe side i'd go 5% ba and 15% bb. cyp is fickle and sometimes wont hold at 4% and 8%. some times it holds with no solvent. i cant explain it either. weird stuff. but if it dont hold just heat til it clears and shoot. its still test.
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