What PH stack have you had the most success with?

big bangs

New member
Im talking: a PH (helladrol, mdrol, etc)
an anti estrogen
and a liver protection agent

Also what did you do for pct? Did you use another supp or something more serious like clomid? Would an anti estrogen be enough during a cycle or would you add something else?
I've ran hella and loved it. The only draw back is dose and length I have to run it at. Did 100mg for 8 weeks and had decent results. Also ran epistane at 50mg for 6 weeks and loved it. But my favorite was SOS 500 from double dragon. Even being serious into actual gear and injectable now, I would consider running it again to kick start a cycle or add some serious balls to the end of one.
Hella takes longer to kick in, but the gains were keepable. You see guys blow up on beast then lose them just as quick. Shit...the old (and v2) diesel was bad ass when guys fed it correctly. That one I feel was totally underrated
There's a new line out now. GK, I'd give those a look.

Also ur going to need more than just liver support while using a ph man. A total body is what u need. Blood pressure, lipids, cholesterol all get jacked up.
I have ran several over the last 5 years inc the original Beastdrol. What I have as my fav currently is Orbit Nutrition - Buy IronMagLabs M-STEN Rx Cheap! I will use otc Pes Erase and clomid. I've found it to be the best. Also anytime I run a ph I use Ironmaglabs Cycle support.

Im talking: a PH (helladrol, mdrol, etc)
an anti estrogen
and a liver protection agent

Also what did you do for pct? Did you use another supp or something more serious like clomid? Would an anti estrogen be enough during a cycle or would you add something else?