What Pro-hormones have effects on appitite


New member
Title is pretty self explanatory. My main interest is what pro hormones have a reputation for increasing appetite.
I started an Havoc cycle and my appetite is no where to be found. I didn't have this problem On Cyanostane RX.

Any advice for this problem or any non methylated hormones I could stack to counter this problem.

Thanks In advance.
Well all is I can say is different stuff effects different people, my first cycle test only I could not eat, my 2nd cycle I stacked dbol with test and I eat like a mofo! Don't know much about pro hormones but me personally would not use them, if something is going to shut my natty test down it better be worth it. This is just my opinion bro...
Well all is I can say is different stuff effects different people, my first cycle test only I could not eat, my 2nd cycle I stacked dbol with test and I eat like a mofo! Don't know much about pro hormones but me personally would not use them, if something is going to shut my natty test down it better be worth it. This is just my opinion bro...

I agree. Its just what I will be doing momentarily until I can source a reliable injectable. I'm paranoid about contamination and getting an abscess more than getting ripped off. I would rather get ripped of with sterile water than real contaminated juice. Could I message you and you share some wisdom on the subject?