what should i do?

There isn't much to choose from for a beginner justa base test cycycle stick around and read the stickies
Yeah man, do a str8 12 week test cycle. With your muscularity and low bf, your gains will be nice and clean (providing diet is on key and if bulk or lean bulk)
Good advice from the above guys, only do a Test cycle first. How old are you and how long have you been training?

I would recommend the following for a first cycle -

WEEK 1-10 500mg Test Enanthate ( 250mg Twice PW, Pin on Mon/Fri )
WEEK 2-10 Arimidex 1/4 tab EOD ( Optional but i like to take it to halt any gyno from appearing )
WEEK 2-11 Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) ( If you can get it run Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 250-500iu twice PW) This will stop/assist with shrinkage.


WEEK 12-14 Nolvadex 40mg ED
WEEK 14-16 Nolvadex 20mg ED

I dont know your stats or training routine but remember diet is %80-%90 the key to getting what you want, eat shit and you will look shit, no matter what your putting into your body ( Although judging by your pics your quite lean, which is good ).

P.S Its good to see your using your brain and not just buying a shitload of AAS and wanting to jump into a huge cycle. Great idea to read a lot of threads and ask a lot of questions, there is a lot of experience on here :)

Good luck man