What steaks do you like


Well-known member
Another thread got me thinking. What is your favorite steak. Doesn't have to be bodybuilding related. IE: eye of round

My list:

Filet Mignon (tenderloin)
Flank Steak
T-Bone / Porterhouse
KC Strip
My short list:

Filet Mignon

The details:

Ribeye is my favorite, but Longhorn Steakhouse and Outback Steakhouse both offer top notch sirloin steaks that are tasty and, since they are sirloins, very low fat. I don't know how they get sirloins to taste so damn good. They are a little cheaper than the other steaks as well and I love them, so that's what I get at those restaurants.

I get filet mignon when the bill is getting picked up by work or whatever.

I used to always get the T-Bone / Porterhouse, but I'll take a ribeye over them now.

And a cheap steak that can be pretty good if you don't overcook it and season or marinate it well is London Broil. I have that at home a lot.

I finally learned how to cook a decent steak on the grill: I use high heat and flip it often, but not quite so fast at the beginning when I wait for the grill to 'let go' of the steak so that I can flip it.
You are right there are some places that do sirloin real good - However for whatever reason i just can't.

Best Steak - Double cut filet mignon at Morton's Steakhouse. No one does it better.
I like Sirloin.

I don't like getting steaks from restaurants. They are never big enough unless you want to drop $50 on a meal.

Throw me a 2lb steak and a BBQ and I'm in heaven. Add a baked potatoe and I have dinner for me and the Mrs.
Easto said:
I like Sirloin.

I don't like getting steaks from restaurants. They are never big enough unless you want to drop $50 on a meal.

Throw me a 2lb steak and a BBQ and I'm in heaven. Add a baked potatoe and I have dinner for me and the Mrs.
im with easto on the do it yourself thing . i marinate my steaks for at least 1-2 days with a blend of stuff and then cook it on the grill with some wood chips thrown in for flavoring along with putting the butter to it while cooking to keep it moist .
ny strip
are my favorite in that order , ive never cooked a filet though .
Dawg... where do you get wood chips from?

I want to start smoking some food on the BBQ, but I'm not sure where to find different types of wood chips.
Easto said:
Dawg... where do you get wood chips from?

I want to start smoking some food on the BBQ, but I'm not sure where to find different types of wood chips.
they are easy to find online but i have a grilling specialty place near me who carries pecan,apple,cherry,hickory,and mesquite . also walmart and lowes [probablly home depot to ]also carry a small selection .
i like mesquite on steaks/burgers , apple on pork or chicken , hickory on just about anything .
Mulligan said:
Filet Mignon (tenderloin)
ive been cooking some pork tenderloins that would make a puppy pull a freight train to get one lol .
pork tenderloin is way underrated imo its incredibly lean , tasty and cheap as hell around here .
DADAWG said:
ive been cooking some pork tenderloins that would make a puppy pull a freight train to get one lol .
pork tenderloin is way underrated imo its incredibly lean , tasty and cheap as hell around here .

Ive had that before, it is great. The other white meat.
Mulligan said:
The other white meat.
np thats MR DB.lol
ive tried pork tenderloin cooked whole and cut into steaks and i like the steaks best , you can get more seasoning and smoke in the meat that way .
DirkMoneyshot said:
Did you have the "American" version Wagyu or the real deal japenese kobe??
no clue...different places each time. It was called Kobe, but im guessing "the real deal japanese kobe" is going to be even harder to come by, so i was probably served the american version, but who knows. Either way...it melted in my mouth, and was better than any steak ive ever cooked, or ordered at any restaurant.

On a side note...does anybody here watch the Food Network? Some of the best shows on tv lol. Good Eats and Iron Chef America arent to be missed by me:D
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Suareezay said:
no clue...different places each time. It was called Kobe, but im guessing "the real deal japanese kobe" is going to be even harder to come by, so i was probably served the american version, but who knows. Either way...it melted in my mouth, and was better than any steak ive ever cooked, or ordered at any restaurant.

On a side note...does anybody here watch the Food Network? Some of the best shows on tv lol. Good Eats and Iron Chef America arent to be missed by me:D

If you got it in the United States then it was the American, the Japenese is only available over there (didn't know if you tried it on vacation or something).

The Amerian version is actually a cross-breed of Wagyu and Angus. Even the good steaks from these are sent overseas.

All though there is a hugh differnce in quality between American Kobe beef and the typical Prime Angus- The Japenese is 100x better.

If you get the chance you'll even be amazed how much better it is then American Kobe.

Yes I love Food Network - Giada De Laurentis is so damn hot!

As for Iron Chef - I can't do it unless it is the Foreign version. Don't think the american is as good. Got to go with the original.
DirkMoneyshot said:
If you got it in the United States then it was the American, the Japenese is only available over there (didn't know if you tried it on vacation or something).

The Amerian version is actually a cross-breed of Wagyu and Angus. Even the good steaks from these are sent overseas.

All though there is a hugh differnce in quality between American Kobe beef and the typical Prime Angus- The Japenese is 100x better.

If you get the chance you'll even be amazed how much better it is then American Kobe.

Yes I love Food Network - Giada De Laurentis is so damn hot!

As for Iron Chef - I can't do it unless it is the Foreign version. Don't think the american is as good. Got to go with the original.
I believe i had some in Hawaii, so possibly that was the real deal. The American verison is good enough for me anyway...and i dont plan on going to Japan anytime soon lol.

I used to watch the original Iron chef all the time before the American verison existed. I like the more americanized version myself.

And yes, the Everyday Italian host is super cute.

oh and Dirk, have you ever had brescaola (sp?)...thin air dried italian beef? Its definatly more of an appetizer/snack, but its great as well.
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DADAWG said:
ive been cooking some pork tenderloins that would make a puppy pull a freight train to get one lol .
pork tenderloin is way underrated imo its incredibly lean , tasty and cheap as hell around here .

The best meat dish I've ever tasted was an order of "Pork Loin Colettes" at the restaurant in the basement of a winery in Altus, Arkansas. They were amazing.

When I was in high school I had to drop something off at a teacher's house one time, and he was in the middle of smoking a small pig. He cut off a small piece from its back for me before sending me on my way, it almost melted in my mouth like butter.

The Muslims and Jews just don't know what they're missing by not eating pigs.

At a wedding party at a French restaurant in Memphis one time, the main dish was "Tourpedoes of Beef" with some kind of foo foo French sauce. I wish I knew what cut of beef that was, because they were wonderful.
Suareezay said:
I believe i had some in Hawaii, so possibly that was the real deal. The American verison is good enough for me anyway...and i dont plan on going to Japan anytime soon lol.

I used to watch the original Iron chef all the time before the American verison existed. I like the more americanized version myself.

And yes, the Everyday Italian host is super cute.

oh and Dirk, have you ever had brescaola (sp?)...thin air dried italian beef? Its definatly more of an appetizer/snack, but its great as well.

Yes i have - I actually like prosciutto a little better because i can wrap it around chicken breasts with some mozerella cheese and asparagus.

When i'm going low carb there is nothing better. Its almost a perfect food for all you Keto Dieters out there.
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