What supplement do you recommend?


New member

I am about 5 foot 9, and 185 pounds. Im in my mid twenties. Im overweight right now but im going to the gym and lifting about 3-4 times and week, and swim afterwards and play basketball and stuff on other days. Is there any supplement you guys would recommend for me to take like before after during my workouts or whatever to help in losing fat and gaining more muscle. Nothing like too hardcore though im not a beginner but still not ready for anything heavy. maybe some kind of protein shake?? i dunno. anyways, let me know what you guys think... thanks
definately start taking protein shakes, supplement 2 or so meals a day with protein shakes, eat lean. Don't worry about the thermogenics on the shelves of your local healthfood stores, most of them are shit and accomplish really nothing. go to the AF Store and pick up a bottle of synephrine, i think it works well at a very good price. You may also want to visit the Diet Forum to get some more ideas, plenty of sample diets and articles available.