what test to add to eq


New member
ok so u all convinced me! im going to run 400-600mg of eq. can i add test prop by injecting in my glute once a week. and if so what is the very minimum i can do
lol damn you need to read, prop is typically every other day and thats a lot of sticks !
you want test E or C to run with the EQ so you only pin twice a week. you need at least 200 to maintain normal function and since eq causes ED id say 100 over the eq level say 500 test 400 eq
No, Test prop is a fast acting ester and would needed to be injected every day. Go with test E and is this your first cycle?
I wouldn't recommend a short ester like test prop with a long ester like eq!!!! I would recommend test e or cyp. I recommend shoot it twice a week. Monday, Thursday or however u wanna do it!!!! Research is the key!!!! What are your stats. FYI test prop needs to be shot Ed at most eod due to its short ester.
HEy guys im going to run a equipose only cycle from british dragon called boldabol 200. i am gunna take 400-600mg a week for 12 weeks. after my cycle i will wait 21 days to start my post cycle therapy (pct). first 2 weeks nolva 40mg ED clomid 150mg ED next 2 weeks nolva 20mg ED clomid 100mg ED. last 2 weeks nolva 10mg ED clomid 50mg ED. im going to run arimidex .25mg eod during cycle.

my question is when where and how should i take the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) if even at all. i was told 250iu twice a wk during cycle from start to finish. i was also told 10 days after my cycle to start Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) for 10 days at 500iu a day then start post cycle therapy (pct). and i was also told to wait 10 days after last shot and then start Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) at 1000iu EOD for 10 days then start post cycle therapy (pct).

PLEASE DO NOT TELL ME I NEED test! this is an eq cycle only

im 5'11" and 175lbs. my last cycle was eq 600mg a wk for 14 wks with no post cycle therapy (pct) and it was about 2 or 3 yrs ago. since then i have gotten my wife pregnant and our first child is due in 3 weeks. i am ready to try again but want to do this with a post cycle therapy (pct). advice plz im 24 yrs old. i am built athletic with abs. low body fat.

i dont get it thought, befor when i did it i gained 10 lbs of sollid muscle and it looked like i gained 20. thats wat i want. but right after i cycled i stopped working out and i didnt post cycle therapy (pct). otherwise i feel i would have kept it. test gives me so much acne that it is unbareably embarassing and i dont want the water weight or the huge significant gains. i dont want it to be completely noticable that im juicing either. wat can i do. should i run HGH with it. i understand that i need test. because w/o my body will shut down and not produce witch in sense means bye bye to all my gains bc i will crash when im off. but is it possible after my cycle that i can shock myself with a good post cycle therapy (pct) and therefor keeping my gains. i have taken daca, sustanon, test cypionate and anavar and equipose and i noticed my best results on eq only.yea sure i got bigger on other stuff but it wasnt the muscle build i was looking for. and the acne scared me that i had to have treatment to get rid of the craters in my face. on eq i can also lift just as much as if i were on anything else. i do diet when i cycle. i have done the south beach diet witch when followed directly works wonders and i have also done my own mass diets of 4,000 calories a day of good quality food. you have to understand im not trying to have 30 inch arms. im not trying to b the guy that when u see him you know he is or has taken aas. im trying to get to 185 190 like i have befor on eq and keep my gains. eq is know for keeping most of its gains and strength and is rare to have acne and low water weight with 50% less aromasin than any test and the side effects are low. the only downfall is that it shuts you down. but that is not saying you cannot shock yourself back up? are you saying that you think it will shut you down forever? and if that is the case would adding HGH to my cycle change any. would adding 50mg of test a week to my cycle even be enoughf to matter. u have to understand i am not cycling heavily. i am only taking 400 to 600mg a week. and yes evertime i have ran eq by itself i have noticed results in 3 weeks and had peaple asking me if i was on aas.
BEFOR WHEN i ran eq alone it took a while for my side effects to go away. when i had sex my left testicle would shrink up into my stomach and i would have to push it down. that does not happen any more. what did that mean. i kno kinda personal but im here to learn. cyp and enan i feel are to bloaty and give bad acne i wanna run as low test as i can
Hey your entitled to do whatever it is that floats your boat. You've been advised the best route to take but your stubbornness has overcome your ability to comprehend good info...