What to add to my Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) dosage?


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What to add to my HRT dosage?

Fortunately or unfortunately I am on Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) and looking to up the test dosage and add one or two components into my therapy for 12 - 14 weeks or longer. Over 40 (this is my mid life crisis I guess) and about 4 cycles prev. Currently on 250 blend weekly. 5'11" 200lb.
Looking to bulk but with strict diet to keep lean as well.
Here is my dilemma - Looking to do a long cycle and even was tempted by the 22 week cycle outlined in the Anabolics 2007 book. I like everything I read here about tren and never used previously. Seems like the sides are worth the benefits. Since no PCT is needed only an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) will accompany cycle. Post cycle some Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) will be taken to salvage any natural production I have left.
I was considering 400 mg test wkly - cyp or eth, 200 tren hex or ace weekly, possibly anavar or d-ball. What would you recommend - Since I am on therapy anyway - I may as well supplement as desired. I guess Eq or Deca would be okay but wanted some opinions. Any recommendations would be appreciated. I was not sure where to post and since this involves Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) I figured this would be the best category. Thanks