What to add to trt dose? (Done test cycle)


New member
Hi guys

Been on TRT two years and done 2 blasts to 500mg's but didn't overly enjoy high T levels as it gave me quite bad acne (guessing DHT)

Would there be anything to compliment lean gains I could add to 125mg/week trt dose?

Masteron? (Dht sides again?)
I'm on a TRT dose and while I have not blasted yet, I have tried 120mg of Deca with my 120mg TRT dose of Cyp. I know, my Deca dose is below the 200mg week recommended, but I'm starting low and building up. No issues with Deca bloating or water weight gain with a dose that low, but did help with joint pain.
Deca is about the only thing I can see running alongside TRT for the long-term. 200mg/wk is a common dosage.

I'm on a TRT dose and while I have not blasted yet, I have tried 120mg of Deca with my 120mg TRT dose of Cyp. I know, my Deca dose is below the 200mg week recommended, but I'm starting low and building up. No issues with Deca bloating or water weight gain with a dose that low, but did help with joint pain.

Thanks, what would be the major benefits at that dose bar joints? Would it aid in recovery/growth to any noticeable degree?
I see you noted no bloat with deca, are you keeping estrogen in check?

And megatron what else would u have in mind for more use as a blast than a long term addition.
Deca doesn't amortize into estrogen as much as test, so doesn't have a profound impact on estrogen. Very slight increase in Adex did the trick - we are talking .25 more per week. Deca is a balker but is very slow acting - don't expect gains overnight. I've been on for a couple months and haven't noticed much in gains. But my dose is low so could have an impact.

Be careful with deca as it as a negative impact on thyroid. Especially with long term use.
Deca is about the only thing I can see running alongside TRT for the long-term. 200mg/wk is a common dosage.

I'm on a TRT dose and while I have not blasted yet, I have tried 120mg of Deca with my 120mg TRT dose of Cyp. I know, my Deca dose is below the 200mg week recommended, but I'm starting low and building up. No issues with Deca bloating or water weight gain with a dose that low, but did help with joint pain.

Deca doesn't amortize into estrogen as much as test, so doesn't have a profound impact on estrogen. Very slight increase in Adex did the trick - we are talking .25 more per week. Deca is a balker but is very slow acting - don't expect gains overnight. I've been on for a couple months and haven't noticed much in gains. But my dose is low so could have an impact.

Be careful with deca as it as a negative impact on thyroid. Especially with long term use.

Yeh I'm currently leaning up for a competition around Feb so I didn't really want to hold any water was looking for something to help retain strength/size but without much water retention.

What about npp? I dose my test twice weekly and have read it often produces less side effects even thought chemically it's the same thing just short esthered.

Secondly I'm on thyroid medication too... Not sure how it would effect that
Yeh I'm currently leaning up for a competition around Feb so I didn't really want to hold any water was looking for something to help retain strength/size but without much water retention.

What about npp? I dose my test twice weekly and have read it often produces less side effects even thought chemically it's the same thing just short esthered.

Secondly I'm on thyroid medication too... Not sure how it would effect that

NPP and Deca are the came compound -- Nandrolone. Just depends on how much you want to pin. NPP needs to be EOD.
You do realize that npp and deca are the same thing, just a different ester ( the 1/2 life of the compound).

For cutting and retaining size, anavar comes to mind.
Deca is always a good addition, and has the added benefits of decreasing joint pain etc...

Deca is far less androgenic than test. Less acne and hair loos unless the problem is genetic like mpb. Have your gf scrub your back good. That will help. Thats the only place I had acne problems.
Thanks, at 200mg a week what sort of benefits would you see bar aiding joints?
I know npp is the same as mentioned by a lot of people report less sides?

Not wanting to use an oral such as anavar as my liver enzymes are always slightly high and last time I tried anavar it was probably fake and made my liver enzymes raise a lot!

Anyone tried with SARMS?
Deca is about the only thing I can see running alongside TRT for the long-term. 200mg/wk is a common dosage.

I'm on a TRT dose and while I have not blasted yet, I have tried 120mg of Deca with my 120mg TRT dose of Cyp. I know, my Deca dose is below the 200mg week recommended, but I'm starting low and building up. No issues with Deca bloating or water weight gain with a dose that low, but did help with joint pain.

You do realize that npp and deca are the same thing, just a different ester ( the 1/2 life of the compound).

For cutting and retaining size, anavar comes to mind.

Yeh I do know they are the same but many report less sides for what ever reason?

Don't fancy anavar again see post above
Yeh I do know they are the same but many report less sides for what ever reason?

Don't fancy anavar again see post above

You can pin whichever one you want. NPP is fine if you think it may be a better choice for you. You just have to pin it EOD, it costs more than Deca and it usually comes at 100mg/ml so your pinned volumes will be bigger all things equal.
Thanks, at 200mg a week what sort of benefits would you see bar aiding joints?
I know npp is the same as mentioned by a lot of people report less sides?

Not wanting to use an oral such as anavar as my liver enzymes are always slightly high and last time I tried anavar it was probably fake and made my liver enzymes raise a lot!

Anyone tried with SARMS?

Mainly joints. Slight Anabolic benefits. If you want more you can run it at 800mg/wk.

Make sure you have a Dopamine Agonist on hand regardless of dose as Nandrolone is a 19-nor.
Deca is about the only thing I can see running alongside TRT for the long-term. 200mg/wk is a common dosage.

I'm on a TRT dose and while I have not blasted yet, I have tried 120mg of Deca with my 120mg TRT dose of Cyp. I know, my Deca dose is below the 200mg week recommended, but I'm starting low and building up. No issues with Deca bloating or water weight gain with a dose that low, but did help with joint pain.

You do realize that npp and deca are the same thing, just a different ester ( the 1/2 life of the compound).

For cutting and retaining size, anavar comes to mind.

Mainly joints. Slight Anabolic benefits. If you want more you can run it at 800mg/wk.

Make sure you have a Dopamine Agonist on hand regardless of dose as Nandrolone is a 19-nor.

Thanks yeh I prefer the fact npp would come on quicker so I could adjust/drop quicker if any sides were apparent or if I didn't notice any benefits.

It terms of leaning up before a competition do you think it would aid atall?

I have got bad knee joints so I'll for sure benefit but that's about it for sore joints... If it's npp could it be run for a shorter time to notice if it's beneficial or not?
Thanks yeh I prefer the fact npp would come on quicker so I could adjust/drop quicker if any sides were apparent or if I didn't notice any benefits.

It terms of leaning up before a competition do you think it would aid atall?

I have got bad knee joints so I'll for sure benefit but that's about it for sore joints... If it's npp could it be run for a shorter time to notice if it's beneficial or not?

Your diet will dictate whether you lean up or not. AAS will help you preserve muscle while even in a caloric deficit.

Due to the ester, you will see the effects kick in much faster with NPP. You understand how esters work in regard to half lives and saturation levels, right?
Deca is far less androgenic than test. Less acne and hair loos unless the problem is genetic like mpb. Have your gf scrub your back good. That will help. Thats the only place I had acne problems.

Nandrolone is more (not by a tremendous amount) anabolic than testosterone, just less androgenic. :)

Depends really what you're looking for OP. If just a small addition to TRT, nandrolone is perfect at low doses. However, if you want to blast, without really blasting, an oral is always a great way to shake things up - like tbol or the like. :)
Anyone tried with SARMS?

Mate, you are being prescribed the real deal... why even bother with SARMS?

That's like owning a Rottweiler and pairing it up with a Jack Russell for company...

Nice and sweet and all that, but you can make a much better pair with other more potent compounds.

(Shit analogy - but you get the drift!)
Nandrolone is more (not by a tremendous amount) anabolic than testosterone, just less androgenic. :)

Depends really what you're looking for OP. If just a small addition to TRT, nandrolone is perfect at low doses. However, if you want to blast, without really blasting, an oral is always a great way to shake things up - like tbol or the like. :)

Yeh want to stay away from orals due to slightly raised liver and from previous test blasts the androgenic sides like acne seem to hit me hard! So was wondering if npp may help as an alternative?
Thinking npp as it's quicker to start and leave so can gauge sides

Would probably dose 150mg alongside 150mg test per week

Shouldn't notice too much bloat st that dose? Test bloats me wicked

Mate, you are being prescribed the real deal... why even bother with SARMS?

That's like owning a Rottweiler and pairing it up with a Jack Russell for company...

Nice and sweet and all that, but you can make a much better pair with other more potent compounds.

(Shit analogy - but you get the drift!)

Haha yeh I get you mate!
Yeh want to stay away from orals due to slightly raised liver and from previous test blasts the androgenic sides like acne seem to hit me hard! So was wondering if npp may help as an alternative?
Thinking npp as it's quicker to start and leave so can gauge sides

Would probably dose 150mg alongside 150mg test per week

Shouldn't notice too much bloat st that dose? Test bloats me wicked

Haha yeh I get you mate!

If you learn how to manage estradiol and figure out your diet -- carbs and sodium -- you won't have problems with bloating. Just don't confuse bloat with increased glycogen.