what Tren Dose do you prefer?

Bro there is something wrong with this picture, what's all that shit hanging out from your sides?
It's called "fat" where u store your fat, and u are well above 30 percent bf
And your telling me wondering if my tren is legit lmfao

You fuckeN idiot does that look like me recently? ??? Thats before cycling 3 years ago dam your stupid see my pics in top? Do i look the same?
I actually kinda feel bad for you. Cause you really do try so hard, and i admire that..but you have literally the shittiest genetics i have ever seen.
Lmao truth hurts, much rather looked ripped anyday then to walk around looking like a pear and a sack of shit hanging out from.the side of your shorts
Just another fatty on juice that thinks it gonna perform miracles with his 2 year bulking phase and a pileg of fat
Lmao truth hurts, much rather looked ripped anyday then to walk around looking like a pear and a sack of shit hanging out from.the side of your shorts

Old pic faggot speak of shit hanging look at yours in top you cropped out that slab of lard hanging over your shorts
So be it bro, it's a 5 month bulk I don't honestly care what I look like in the winter months as I chop it down anyways bro unlike yourself u keep gaining bodyfat haha
OK you just confirmed your not all there keep ignoring several comments by different members plus the ines about your genetics. Live in your little world all you want if looking skinny ripped a few weeks of the year and looking like shit the rest makes you happy who am i to say anything.
My main objective was to add mass, done deal, main goal was to get to 230lbs " done", whatever it takes bro, now I say my main goal is to get to 7 percent bodyfat and will be done as well again
Who u and clman, u guys don't mean shit to me bra, one clman talks shit, enters the shred contest last year and bails after 2 weeks in the contest, as I do recall I placed 2nd in the contest and kept at it throughout the contest, I keep to my word
As for u, u are just some fat dude that stays fat all year round that doesn't know how to properly diet, if your happy with 30 plus bf or higher so be it but seeing u in a gym I typically se.e that shit ed some fatty on juice thinking he is big but in reality he is carrying unreal amounts of fat
Take your shirt off the blueberry muffins top spills out
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As I do recall from last year alot of shit talk went pretty quite pretty fast when I came back to this site lean as fuck, even one guy that wanted to race me to get lean vanished and haven't seen him since, alot of shit talk here, especially from the ones that cannot do it themselves " lean out" why cause they don't hAve the disipline to do so, so they have to shit talk why they look the way they do