What ya'll think


Get That Money!
I have broughyt my legs up a bit..... Gonna be cycling in Mid April cant wait hoping to go from 235 to 250, I think i will do it and be able to keep most of the gains, Looking for a critique, FIRE away, By the way Im in my daughters room that explains the crib lol



I'm going to be honest with you. your waist is way to big, ruins your entire physique.

vastus lateralis needs massive work

other things to bring up are arms in general and upper chest

i think using the word RUINS is a bit much don't you?

Matt, being wide waisted just means you have to bring up the delts that much more, which he knows he has to do.

Overall, you look pretty good bro, seeing some abs. Def get the wheels turning that will start a fire for the rest. Kill those delts, lotsa side laterals and rears.

You got a good thick frame to start with so just keep piling on the mass and you'll be good to go.
RJ thanks bro I will work on everything u mentioned! ,koneteh: As i recall Jay Cutler has a huge waist also, but he is ripped to shreds , funny that if that ruins my whole build i would think cutler would never have made it far at all? LOL
RJ thanks bro I will work on everything u mentioned! ,koneteh: As i recall Jay Cutler has a huge waist also, but he is ripped to shreds , funny that if that ruins my whole build i would think cutler would never have made it far at all? LOL

Matt, just take it with a grain of salt. You've seen my contest pics. Well, I'm not saying Im king kong, but I had a 36 inch waist the day of my show.

Good luck.
i hear ya RJ, u look great man and i can only hope for improvements and i appreciate any feedback from alll u guys Thanks again
I agree the waist is wide but would you attribute that to genetics? How could someone bring that down?

def a genetic thing IMO. Only two things you can do.

1. Make the waist as tight as possible.

2. Make the delts as wide as possible.
yeah i thanks man thats useful info, I def have som fat on waist so i can lose alot then see what it looks like