whatchu thought?


New member
Bros, starting this next week:

Teste @ 300/wk
Trene @ 600/wk
Maste @ 600/wk
Equip @ 600/wk
Anavar (var) @ 100 ed

Other option was to see wat a testless cycle of trene, eq, Anavar (var) does.
Bros, starting this next week:

Teste @ 300/wk
Trene @ 600/wk
Maste @ 600/wk
Equip @ 600/wk
Anavar (var) @ 100 ed

Other option was to see wat a testless cycle of trene, eq, Anavar (var) does.
first off how old are you,2nd way to many compounds,3rd i would choose 2 compunds out of those,you dont need to run masteron and tren,waste of gear.....a test tren cycle is plenty,if this your first run with tren,always run your test higher the 1st time around

i would go Test 500mg/week
Tren 350mg/week(100mg eod) you will see results i promise

run that for 8-10 weeks then drop the tren,then you can pick up the masteron and Anavar (var) for 8-10 weeks and 60-80mg of Anavar (var) is plenty,as for the masteron run it at 400mg/week,this is plenty,ive seen no difference in 400mg or 600mg of masteron

also i would go with Tren A first time around so if you have sides it will leave your body quick,where tren eth takes 3-4 weeks to kick in and last forever and you wont have but like 4 weeks of gains from it
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first off how old are you,2nd way to many compounds,3rd i would choose 2 compunds out of those,you dont need to run masteron and tren,waste of gear.....a test tren cycle is plenty,if this your first run with tren,always run your test higher the 1st time around

i would go Test 500mg/week
Tren 350mg/week(100mg eod) you will see results i promise

run that for 8-10 weeks then drop the tren,then you can pick up the masteron and var for 8-10 weeks and 60-80mg of var is plenty,as for the masteron run it at 400mg/week,this is plenty,ive seen no difference in 400mg or 600mg of masteron

also i would go with Tren A first time around so if you have sides it will leave your body quick,where tren eth takes 3-4 weeks to kick in and last forever and you wont have but like 4 weeks of gains from it

Im 40, cycling 10 yrs, 245, 6'3", 9%bf, donectren 10+ tines