Whats a good pro hormone while on HRT?


New member
Currently on Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) . Come spring / summer I will do a blast. Just looking for something to run with my Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) thru the winter to keep me held over till my blast.

Im thinking peptides and or pro hormone

Anyone with any similar situation out there?
Helladrol and igf-LR3

Hella for sure. Lr3 isn't going to be as potent or any peptide for that matter but u need to keep things well rounded for growth. Tes / gh / diet/ training/ sleep. They all have their place.

If ur on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) and aren't afraid of a pin, so make the most of things and make sure ur getting a lil bit of everything.

I can help with peptides. Just pm me, I really only use lr3 now that I have lots of GH but I know what it's like in ur shoes
it depends on what your goals are bro... what are you looking to gain here?

My goal is to maybe add 5 lb and look a little harder. Since im on Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) and I could eat like a champ Im already doing ok but I would like to experiment and see if I can get a little more.
I'm on Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) for last three years and for me out of the oh's I've ran Orbit Nutrition - Buy IronMagLabs M-STEN Rx Cheap! Solid gains with no bloating. I can tell you right I felt so good on msten I stopped my testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) shots for month. I had no sides from doing so. Gl with your run

My goal is to maybe add 5 lb and look a little harder. Since im on Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) and I could eat like a champ Im already doing ok but I would like to experiment and see if I can get a little more.
I dabbled with PHs a few years ago when you could just get them at any supplement store (I mentioned this in another post somewhere) and out of Superdrol, M1T and Halodrol, the Haladrol was my favourite. Run it at a high dose for 4-6 weeks, Fuck all sides and if you're lean, those veins will pop. Loved it.
Currently on Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) . Come spring / summer I will do a blast. Just looking for something to run with my Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) thru the winter to keep me held over till my blast.

Im thinking peptides and or pro hormone

Anyone with any similar situation out there?

I would actually roll with Epistane with the goals you have....I always notice an on feeling with Epi, as well as reduction in body fat, increase in lean tissue, and a huge increase in strength.

Helladrol is still a good option.....I just like the way I feel on epistane much better...even though both compounds provide similar results