whats the best post-workout proteins?! please respond, no right or wrong answrs! ! !


New member
whats up ology bros?. so after working out, what are the different and possibly best protein sources? i would like to know what you or others use or have used and your experiences following... please do not turn this into an argument thread. (thank you in advance) i would like to see a thread of experiences and suggestions. not right or wrong answers or argumaents lol....; for example is it better to consume say a whey protein or casein protein, or straight chicken and whole foods? (whole protein, simple sugars< and healthy fats?....

LETS GO OLOGY BROTHERS....:biggthump THANKS, knuckles aka get your weight up lol
ONLY nutrabio isolate for me, along with 5 grams of glut, and 5 grams of creation with a cinnamon white bagel and a banana. That will cost you $100 for kill shit advice:)
whats up ology bros?. so after working out, what are the different and possibly best protein sources? i would like to know what you or others use or have used and your experiences following... please do not turn this into an argument thread. (thank you in advance) i would like to see a thread of experiences and suggestions. not right or wrong answers or argumaents lol....; for example is it better to consume say a whey protein or casein protein, or straight chicken and whole foods? (whole protein, simple sugars< and healthy fats?....

LETS GO OLOGY BROTHERS....:biggthump THANKS, knuckles aka get your weight up lol
Here ya go
I am firm believer that protein Immediately post work out is not as crucial as generally accepted that it is. If you are eating several meals all day then it really doesn't matter when you take them in as long as you get them in. Now simple carbs after a workout is another story. Getting an insulin response post workout is the key which will push nutrients in the muscles which will include already available amino acids from the protein you have been consuming all day.

But if I had to pick one I would go with a vanilla whey isolate shake with pineapple juice to reconstitute it. Pineapple gets in quick it packs a good glucose punch and it has enzymes to break down protein making it more readily available.
6 oz chicken honey glaze and 4 oz grape juice is my go to. Besides that for a shake 2 scoops of a whey isolate. I prefer isoflex with some peanut butter mixed in followed by 4 oz of grape juice.

Protein, yum.

I have read enough studies debunking the "golden hour" to firmly cement it in my mind as broscience. I'm with SoCalSwole here; just make sure you get enough (yes, you can only absorb so many grams at once based on body mass) throughout the day to hit your needs.

My .02c :)
Even if this golden hour doesn't exist.. if I'm eating 300g (I think I eat more actually) of protein a day, spread out over 6-7 meals I'll need between 42-50g per meal. That post workout meal counts as a meal in your day and if you don't consume 40-50 grams there... it will have to be evenly distributed over the other 5-6 meals.. basically 8-10 grams more per meal. That's an extra ounce of chicken each meal.. bleh! So my main example is for convenience.. I'd rather down a shake after a workout than eat an oz more chicken each meal.

Another good example would be that you're body is waxed from the workout. It's looking for some quick energy and you're likely either VERY hungry, or on the verge of throwing up depending on the individual lol.. Carbs will of course be prioritized in these moments following workout, and will generate that Insulin spike previously spoken of in this thread. But, why not take advantage of this moment that you're ravenously hungry to throw in a meals worth of protein in the form of a shake. Too easy in my opinion to hit your protein goals for the day in times like these..

My last reason for absolutely putting in protein following a workout is that more than likely you didn't eat right before walking into the gym, or even 30 minutes prior to walking into the gym. If you haven't eaten for 30 minutes, it takes you 5-10 to drive to the gym, 1 hour in the gym, and 5-10 to get home.. It's time for a meal! You've tallied up 2 hours worth of time and you're definitely in need of protein by this point..

Just my reasoning behind always getting it in after the gym. Golden hour or not, I'll be consuming protein after I'm finished rippin myself apart lol
My post workout shake tonight was

1 scoop Optimum whey isolate choc
1 scoop Optimum casein choc / pb
4 frozen strawberries
1/4 orange
10 almonds
1 cup almond milk vanilla no sweetener
4 ice cubes
If I wasn't going to bed right now I would nix the casein for vanilla whey mixture
I've been using Beef Protein Isolate as my Post-Workout protein, closest type of protein to free-form aminos so gets in there quick... I've been having it with weetbix, think they call them weeties or something over in the states...

Other than that real food > protein powders. But my vote goes to BPI or a typically mass gainer or fast acting protein...Something like cassein I wouldn't rec. post workout. Reasoning for it is to get it in quick then fit some real food in not too long after.

Also I second Hypnotix post ;)
Ive tried protein shakes immediately post workout, whole food immediately post workout and ive also tried not eating at all immediately post workout and for me the difference in gains and recovery is absolutely nothing. So now if im hungry right after I finish ill have an isolate shake and depending on how long the workout lasted ill have some carbs (from a whole food source and fruit) then a whole food meal and hour or so later. If im not hungry after I workout I dont have anything and then Ill eat a whole food meal about an hour later. It all depends on the day and what I feel like post workout. But, as far as protein powders go, isolate all the way. Thats the only kind of protein powder I keep in my cupboard.

With all that said I do drink BCAAs and carbs during my workouts. Carbs inly on large muscle group days or if im combining groups for an extended session.
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I've started having my protein during my workout now (60grams of whey/casein blend)

Post-workout I use Jim Stoppani's 'Post-Jym' which contains creatine, glutamine, beta-alanine, carnitine, betaine, taurine and a high dose of leucine... I mix this with 60g of Vitargo for fast-acting carbs.
I think too many guys get so wrapped up in protein timings etc - that they forget just how essential carbs are.

I really buy into what Jim Stoppani is trying to do to the supplement industry - I think you'll see a lot of firms suffer over the next few years for deceiving the consumer. Jim is very open about what he uses and is openly 'dissing' proprietary blends.

It is for this reason I use his pre-jym, post-jym and vita-jym supplements.

I also feel that if you are using AAS, then supplements aren't really as important as whole foods...

By this I mean, when someone runs gear, their appetite usually goes up, their urge to train surges and their recovery rates skyrocket.

When someone trains natural, they usually need help with all of these.

Hope this helps :)

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Are you using the MuscleMeds Beef Protein buddy?

Nope, it's Carnibolic... Because Carnivores and Anabolic sounds fancy when married. But yeah, good protein (actually you never fucking know these days, one protein was recently shown to have half what was actually on the label) although when I tried the Blue Raspberry one it really shows how much food colouring they throw in it... Won't go into detail KWIM.

Although I will be making the switch back to Whey Protein Isolate or Concentrate once this tub is finished. The only other protein I will use when I do use it is Micellar Cassein and usually before bed.