whats the best time of day to......

Your first meal of the day should be the highest in carbs, and you should increase the protein and lower the carbs throughout the day. No carbs after 8pm unless you want to put fat on your waistline. I am in a bulking phase right now and I have managed to put on lean mass through this program. My last meal is usually very low in carbs, high in protein and fat, and my last snack of the day is high in protein and almost carb free--such as a bag of beef jerky, a couple of hard boiled eggs, tuna salad made with cream cheese instead of mayo. With a strict diet I am gaining weight and staying fairly lean.
huskyguy here is my diet\

meal 1- 5oz of lean beef, 3 whole eggs, and a oatmeal bar (quaker) and a twinlab carb fuel drink 100grms of carbs

meal 2-2scoops n-large, 2 scoops of whey

meal 3-8oz lean beef,8oz baked potato,1cup of string beans
meal 4-2scoops n-large,2 scoops of whey protein, twinlab 100grms carbs drink and 10grms creatine mixed.

meal 5-5oz lean beef,4ozchicken,baked potato,1cup of string beans

meal6-can of tuna and either a DETOUR protein bar or 4oz of turkey

going to add like a hot pocket at lunch time too from now on because still cant climb in weight like I should and when I do after I train I loose what ever weight I gained! been doing diet for 5weeks still at 163-166lbs, on cycle of test 500mg/eq 400mg/dbol wks 1-6 30mg. notice muscles getting alot bigger but no overall mass like I want . damm 5'8'' 24 yr old. all eat and no gain make rook go crazy.
Hot pockets are mostly empty calories, add whole milk to your diet and you will bulk up. Drink as much as you can without feeling too full. It's been working really well for me and I have been making steady gains for almost 5 months now.
I cant with all the water I drink I dont have any room for more milk, but I get 16oz with my shakes. a couple of months ago I was at 175 but I was eating unclean calories alot of fast food and microwavable crap. eating 100% clean just aint cutting it for me Im only in my 1st week of cycle so I hope to gain atleast some water retention and mass from the dbol and test, hopefully the eq will make me hungrier too.
add 1 tbsp of flax oil in with every solid meal
add 4 tbsps of whipping cream with every shake
add 1 cup of peanuts scattered out throughout the day!!

you stick with me on this and you will get to where you want to go!!

OH!!!-NO deture bar before bed-check the sugars
-2 whole eggs for breakfast and 4 whites
-and real oatmeal--not sugar packed bars!!
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If you are trying to bulk you can pretty much eat carbs all day long. That is as long as they are good carbs. Try and taper your carb intake towards the evening.
usually you will want the bul of your carbs in the first half of the day because this is when you are most insulin sensitive. If you are training very hard or at night then you can up the carbs a bit after 6pm (there's no set time limit hehehe) but try and see how your body reacts basically

some people can eat carbs at night and not gain fat
some tend to gain

everyone's different
huskyguy.............I thought milk was good for yor bones,is it a neccessity when bulking cause I never hear it mentioned much with a diet plan other than mix with shakes. see all the water I drink fills me up so It might make me feel moer bloated, with milk.
sonis.....Im in construction buisness (union electrician) I can do 4 out of 6 things you added sometimes on jobs im limited what to eat I bring my food for breaktime and lunch, but you cant always heat things up like oatmeal so I bring a bar instead. and I could start eating 2 eggs and 4 whites with my lunch which is a (shake) and everything else I can do except maybe the peanuts.