huskyguy here is my diet\
meal 1- 5oz of lean beef, 3 whole eggs, and a oatmeal bar (quaker) and a twinlab carb fuel drink 100grms of carbs
meal 2-2scoops n-large, 2 scoops of whey
meal 3-8oz lean beef,8oz baked potato,1cup of string beans
meal 4-2scoops n-large,2 scoops of whey protein, twinlab 100grms carbs drink and 10grms creatine mixed.
meal 5-5oz lean beef,4ozchicken,baked potato,1cup of string beans
meal6-can of tuna and either a DETOUR protein bar or 4oz of turkey
going to add like a hot pocket at lunch time too from now on because still cant climb in weight like I should and when I do after I train I loose what ever weight I gained! been doing diet for 5weeks still at 163-166lbs, on cycle of test 500mg/eq 400mg/dbol wks 1-6 30mg. notice muscles getting alot bigger but no overall mass like I want . damm 5'8'' 24 yr old. all eat and no gain make rook go crazy.