What's the proper post cycle therapy (pct) for a woman?


Product of Test
What's the proper PCT for a woman?

Just curious what my girlfriend should do when she finishes her Var only cycle. She's new to suppliments and Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) and I only know what I take for my post cycle therapy (pct). Your help would be appreciated. Oh and was her dose to weak, she only took 10-15mg ED for 8 week's?

Her stat's are 5"6 125 very low BF%. Working out and dieting consitently for over a yr.

I have never known a girl to do post cycle therapy (pct) with Anavar (var). They don't have balls to jump start and at that low dose she should be ok. I do recommend taking the last few days at a lower dose so the change is not as drastic. Milk Thistle is always a good idea when running orals. Vit B5 can also help with any breakouts.
Women don't do post cycle therapy (pct) because we don't have test levels to get back up like guys.

I'd ramp down the doseage over the last week or so instead of just cutting off at 15mg.