What's the wierdest cheat meal you've ever had?


New member
Just wondering what your wierdest cheat meal is. I know that I eat some pretty strange stuff when I am dieting and I figured it might be fun to hear some of the crazy concotions people have put down their throats.

My craziest cheat meal would have to be the time I made a bowl of chocolate oatmeal with nesquick. It was pretty damn good too.
fuck cheat meals..dont u juicers cheat enough

Heh, well it gives us a break from the constant chicken & veggies. I hardly call it cheating to eat something you actually want to eat ONE TIME out of an entire week. Afterall, don't most people eat whatever the hell they want every day? I guess you must think of them as cheaters too.

Gotta say that was pretty funny though :D