whats up fellas


New member
first post here... some quick stats
22 years old
lifting 5 years
6'2'' 185 eh prob 12-13ish bf

anyway my first question is one that ive been debating a lot as of late. ok ive done one cycle(halovar) no injectables. put on about 15lbs, but diet was sloppy so too much fat

would like to continue using "assistance"... thing is i HATE needles, have passed out giving blood, etc. so my question is will orals be able to get it done, say 1-2 ph/ds cycles a year? i hear mixed opinions on this

i feel i can get it done with them as long as diet, training, post cycle therapy (pct) are in order. but nonetheless wanted more opinions... thanks and look forward to posting here!
Oral only is bad news bro and the worst thing you can do, their is no way around pinning, ,its easy as hell and doesn't even hurt

That's what I said before I started my first cycle of test e. It's really not that big of a deal. It's not as bad as giving blood. Now week 8 into my 12 week cycle I actually look forward to it. Love being on test e.
You should be fine one one or two cycles in a year. Make sure you get bloods taken and run proper support supps. Like others have stated once you do your first pin the fear goes away.

But if your not ready to pin and

If your looking for a good cycle to put on some size and strength without bloat, i would look into epi-strong and transaderm from NTBM. Run these along side need2guard
That's what I said before I started my first cycle of test e. It's really not that big of a deal. It's not as bad as giving blood. Now week 8 into my 12 week cycle I actually look forward to it. Love being on test e.

yea just gotta get over it. gf already said she wouldnt pin me lol
You should be fine one one or two cycles in a year. Make sure you get bloods taken and run proper support supps. Like others have stated once you do your first pin the fear goes away.

But if your not ready to pin and

If your looking for a good cycle to put on some size and strength without bloat, i would look into epi-strong and transaderm from NTBM. Run these along side need2guard

yea man got havoc lined up for my next cycle. was gonna do 4 weeks, but 6 seems like the norm so im not sure yet
Orals r fine i prefer inj. But dbol will get u huge anadrol also anavar will cut that mass down to a lean macine n winni comes oral to so u have options i know how some people are your just not gonna stick urself doesnt mean your out of the game take standardized milk thistle and or other healthy liver premoters n go at it if you have the availability to get the orals there is nothing wrong with getting huge with those just as easy a bit harder on the liver but deffinately doable.....i say go for it n my status may be rookie but believe me im far from it...
orals are fine as stated above. except you'll feel like shit.

sorry you're being a pussy, inject for the best results.

i can't get to a domestic source within a reasonable price right (damn you z and geneza) now so I'm going with only oral ph's (so I'm legal and not gonna get fucked even though I'm running a "shitty" cycle).

so otherwise pin your fucking test.
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Hey, pin yourself. You can go as slow or fast as you want. You can stop and start over if you get too nervous. When I was younger I was scared of em too and would get light-headed in the bathroom but after 3-4 times I got over it.
orals are fine as stated above. except you'll feel like shit.

sorry you're being a pussy, inject for the best results.

i can't get to a domestic source within a reasonable price right (damn you z and geneza) now so I'm going with only oral ph's (so I'm legal and not gonna get fucked even though I'm running a "shitty" cycle).

so otherwise pin your fucking test.

hate the needle man... id probably pass out if i tried to inject myself
hey man i just realized how much of a dick i sounded like before. I've been having some shitty times on post cycle therapy (pct). anyways.

test will make you feel good, but you will still make gains with only orals. Its a love hate thing for me. i love the gains i get but i hate the lethargy and general shitty mood I'm in while on them.

osta will stack well with anything imo and I plan on using it during a run of halodrol.

you can run a few short cycles a year and be fine imo. just make sure water is a priority and keep on the look out for signs of liver distress (like jaundice). its not common, but just make sure you intake of water is high to keep things constantly moving. i don't really believe in the liver support stuff.
hey man i just realized how much of a dick i sounded like before. I've been having some shitty times on post cycle therapy (pct). anyways.

test will make you feel good, but you will still make gains with only orals. Its a love hate thing for me. i love the gains i get but i hate the lethargy and general shitty mood I'm in while on them.

osta will stack well with anything imo and I plan on using it during a run of halodrol.

you can run a few short cycles a year and be fine imo. just make sure water is a priority and keep on the look out for signs of liver distress (like jaundice). its not common, but just make sure you intake of water is high to keep things constantly moving. i don't really believe in the liver support stuff.

hey bro all is good man no worries. yea id just stick to maybe two 4-6 weekers per year of ph/ds/ and maybe try sarms/transdermals sometime. i figure this can yield some solid gains, not looking to get "hardcore" with gear, more like weekend warrior lol

i wont be getting blood work, i know i should, but i think with proper pct/time off i shoud be good right? i know im not the only one who thinks like this either lol.

yea im thinking of switching up my training, wanna transform this physique... i have a pretty decent diet, just cant stick to the typical bodybuilder diet... fuck that! but maybe ill have to, to get the results im looking for... trial and error is what it comes to in the end with this sport for the most part
according to studies DHEA helps to raise your free test. its supposed to help you fight the lethargy and make you feel better while on (or off for that matter) its a transdermal dhea product. I'm gonna be running a log of it on here once i get my package. I'm really excited.

gonna run it as a stand alone for a few weeks and see what happens... if i like it and have any left over (might even buy more) i'll probably include it in my next ph run (either hella or diesel v2)
according to studies DHEA helps to raise your free test. its supposed to help you fight the lethargy and make you feel better while on (or off for that matter) its a transdermal dhea product. I'm gonna be running a log of it on here once i get my package. I'm really excited.

gonna run it as a stand alone for a few weeks and see what happens... if i like it and have any left over (might even buy more) i'll probably include it in my next ph run (either hella or diesel v2)

hmm might give it a look. its nice knowing there's a lotta ph/ds out there. beast/hella sound noiceee:)
theres a lot out there and hopefully it sticks around for a while. I want to try td 4ad but sadly it was one of the first to get banned and is gone for good now :-/ but maybe transaderm will be viable as a replacement for it.