What's worse?


Livin' the dream....
What worse?

Smoking cigerettes, Excessive Drinking, "Rec" Drugs OR aas?

I'm just tired of hypocrates who live unhealthy daily lives (most of my friends) bitch at me, for using aas.

Just curious what you guys thought. Shit maybe I need new friends.lol
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lastlaft said:
What worse?

Smoking cigerettes, Excessive Drinking, Drugs (coke,weed, etc) OR aas?

I'm just tired of hypocrates who live unhealthy daily lives (most of my friends) bitch at me, for using aas.

Just curious what you guys thought. Shit maybe I need new friends.lol
Statistics from the following website:

Deaths caused by smoking are five times higher than the 22,833 deaths arising from: traffic accidents (3,439); poisoning and overdose (881); alcoholic liver disease (5,121); other accidental deaths (8,579); murder and manslaughter (513); suicide (4,066); and HIV infection (234) in the UK during 2002. 8 World-wide, almost 5 million die prematurely each year as a result of smoking. Based on current trends, this will rise to 10 million within 20 years.

My frustration is the overwhelming ignorance of our modern society which accepts without question the BS coming from the politicians and media about "the dangers of steroids", and totally ignore the truth about the great danger of cigarette smoking.

Not one single death has ever been directly linked to steroid use or abuse, yet steroid use is illegal in the USA. Cigarette smoking on the other hand is directly link to thousands of premature deaths each year in the USA, and yet it is perfectly legal to smoke. The insanity of our modern culture!
i would have to say that it depends on how addicted one gets to these
i mean a smoker can be just as bad as someone who does the rec drugs
with having nik fits they can be bad
almost like being strung out

as for Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) it depends not everyone gets the rage some people like myself
calm down while on almost like a high but i am in controll
which said like that puts it in a class like every other drug

hope i worded everything right so this post doesn't get closed
it a good topic
great question...I always hear fools talking about how bad Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) are. When I am using them, I eat healthy, don't drink a drop, get sleep, hit the gym...all very clean living. I always feel like the reward/risk ratio is way better than any other substance...plus you get big. I feel like smacking the crap out of my wife sometimes while on...but that is another story.
i'm with deepglute on this one.. you pretty much summed it up there...

i'm not gonna say what i have to say cause the thread would get closed lol :toilet:
lastlaft said:
Smoking cigerettes, Excessive Drinking, "Rec" Drugs OR aas?

Whichever one kills the subject first, or destroys their quality of life. Therefore, the only way to answer is to find out by doing it, so IMO there is no real answer. If you are trying to speak from a social responsibility perspective, plenty of people are going to freak out about both rec drugs and AAS, but probably tell you that mature adults are able to make a decision on their own for smoking so that must be OK.

Same goes for alcohol, its a "choice" but its not illegal, so it must not be all that bad if not abused. Most will instantly think abuse when it comes to Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) or recs.

Unless you talk pot, plenty of people have a history with pot. When people actually TRY something, they often seem to not think of it so seriously. I know people who have tried stuff I would never even think about doing, but since they lived through it and such, it doesn't seem that big of a deal to them.
Your trying to compare people who abuse drugs with people who use steroids. That's not a fair comparison.

If you like, compare people who use drugs and people who use steroids, or people who abuse drugs and people who abuse steroids. I think once you factor in people who abuse steroids, the effects of those who abuse drugs are quite similar.

I know plenty of people who have used drugs before and have had no bad side effects because they are not addicted and use them only on occasion. We all know that steroids in high dosages can cause many problems. We see it all the time, even on here on the boards...and these guys aren't even using mega doses that competitive BB'er and PL'er are using.
Deepglute said:
My frustration is the overwhelming ignorance of our modern society which accepts without question the BS coming from the politicians and media about "the dangers of steroids", and totally ignore the truth about the great danger of cigarette smoking.

Not one single death has ever been directly linked to steroid use or abuse, yet steroid use is illegal in the USA. Cigarette smoking on the other hand is directly link to thousands of premature deaths each year in the USA, and yet it is perfectly legal to smoke. The insanity of our modern culture!

What worse?

Smoking cigerettes, Excessive Drinking, "Rec" Drugs OR aas?
This really depends on your point of view.

Legally, the rec drugs and Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) (for usa at least)
Healtwhise, in order, rec drugs; smoking; alcohol; AAS
Addiction wise, in order, rec drugs, alcohol, smoking, AAS
Socially, in order, smoking (second hand smoke), alcohol (drunk drivers, rage,...) rec drugs, aas.
Personally; rec drugs, and that's it. If I had a (mature) son I would be very upset if he took recs, slightly about smoking, and not at all about alcohol or AAS.