What's your favorite form of Testosterone ?


New member
I was wondering what your favorite forms of test are and why do you prefer it over the others.
Personally i prefer Test E due to only having to pin twice a week.
1. The all around work horse would be Cypionate. It pins a lot better then Enanthate in my opinion.
2. For short-acting I prefer Phenylpropionate. It pins a lot better then Propionate in my opinion.
3. And for traveling purposes Undecanoate.
I think test E makes the most sense. It gives you the best of both worlds. More even blood concentrations than test cyp. And less pinning than anything else. I hear test is test all the time. But still I see hard core competitors go for Test P. I think that the short acting esters can be good for building up your test levels faster and also dropping them faster to get rid of any water retention or anything like that. Come to think about it you would probably be able to come into a contest a little bit bigger and dryer with test prop becaue you could cut down the dosage closer to the contest date and loose water weight faster than you would with Test E. And also the water weight would leave your body quick enough to where cutting your dosage down didn't have enough time to make you loose muscle.

I would say if your on TRT go with test cyp. If you are bulking up on a cycle go with something like test E or SUS. And if you are cutting go with something like test prop or any of the other shorter acting esters. It also depends on how advanced in gear usage you are to. Because if you are pinning like 3 grams a week of oil's you are going to want to think about doing longer esters. Because you will only have to inject about half the volume of oil than. I think no matter what some one use's if they look into it enough and look into other products enough that combat effects like water retention or whatever they are concerned about they will be able to make whatever ester they choose work for them.
I think test E makes the most sense. It gives you the best of both worlds. More even blood concentrations than test cyp. And less pinning than anything else.
How does testosterone Enanthate give you more even blood concentrations then Cypionate, let’s assume your dosing at least twice a week like most people? The differences between the 2 compounds are negligible. The reason I picked Cypionate is that it is known to have less PIP, especially when dealing with UGL, not because it is more effective. For most purposes, they are indistinguishable.

I would say if your on TRT go with test cyp. If you are bulking up on a cycle go with something like test E or SUS.
When you are on TRT you are looking for the most even blood concentrations, without too many peaks and valleys. So why would you recommend Cypionate and not Enanthate, as it directly goes against what you said above.

I apologize in advance if this sounds argumentative just trying to clarify some stuff.
I prefer prop over others. Keeps your blood more stable. It's quicker acting than others. Also, cheaper than e/c most the time.

You have to be ok with pinning ED. But hell, if that's a problem and you can't take a little pain them your in the wrong sport....lol
I would chose cyp for TRT just because usually I find that most the guys on TRT prefer test cyp. And I figure that it is because it's less injections if they are doing it once a week. I could be wrong. I find though that a lot of guys on TRT are sick of injecting all the time and just want to inject something once a week.

I consider cyp usually as a ester that is injected once a week. And I consider test E something injected twice per week. That is just what I have noticed the majority of people doing. So I figure injecting test E twice a week gives more stable blood levels. And test C once a week might not be as stable of blood levels but it seems that's what most Doctors give patients still is test cyp. If im wrong some one correct me please lol I am still just here to expand my knowledge Im not a die hard believer in what I have stated. It just seems like what I have noticed.
I think it just comes down to preference with the user honestly. And that's kind of what I was making my assumptions on is the vast majority of user preference on each ester. Some times something might be better but some one will still go with what is more convenient to their individual needs.
I would say cyp for the long ester
test ace for short ester, I get a lot less pain from ace compared to prop
Prop so far from all I've tried. Less ester more actual hormone equals more bang for your buck. Lots of guys say prop hurts to shoot but mine was smooth.
I would chose cyp for TRT just because usually I find that most the guys on TRT prefer test cyp. And I figure that it is because it's less injections if they are doing it once a week. I could be wrong. I find though that a lot of guys on TRT are sick of injecting all the time and just want to inject something once a week.
The TRT preference for Cyp that you talk about doesn’t come from the patient it comes from the medical professional that prescribes it. That preference is usually also specific to the geography that one resides in. In the United States its Cyp in in other parts of the world it’s something totally different. In the UK I believe its Sust (could be wrong someone correct me if so).

I consider cyp usually as a ester that is injected once a week. And I consider test E something injected twice per week. That is just what I have noticed the majority of people doing. So I figure injecting test E twice a week gives more stable blood levels. And test C once a week might not be as stable of blood levels but it seems that's what most Doctors give patients still is test cyp. If im wrong some one correct me please lol I am still just here to expand my knowledge Im not a die hard believer in what I have stated. It just seems like what I have noticed.

Test C and Test E are very similar compounds with almost identical half-lives (Test C being slightly longer), for the most part, I would say they are interchangeable. The only thing of note is that you might have to adjust your PCT start date by a few days longer with Test C, but that is about it.

This stability that you are talking about with the 2 compounds is typically achieved through dosing frequency. A lot of TRT guys will inject twice a week for those desired stable blood levels that you mentioned. Persons running a cycle will usually take injections twice a week anyway due to the sheer volume of compounds they must inject.

The only advantage that I see when it comes to Test C over Test E is when it comes to the UGL scene, it usually has less PIP. I hope this helps.
I would chose cyp for TRT just because usually I find that most the guys on TRT prefer test cyp. And I figure that it is because it's less injections if they are doing it once a week. I could be wrong. I find though that a lot of guys on TRT are sick of injecting all the time and just want to inject something once a week.
The TRT preference for Cyp that you talk about doesn’t come from the patient it comes from the medical professional that prescribes it. That preference is usually also specific to the geography that one resides in. In the United States its Cyp in other parts of the world it’s something totally different. In the UK I believe its Sust (could be wrong someone correct me if so).

I consider cyp usually as a ester that is injected once a week. And I consider test E something injected twice per week. That is just what I have noticed the majority of people doing. So I figure injecting test E twice a week gives more stable blood levels. And test C once a week might not be as stable of blood levels but it seems that's what most Doctors give patients still is test cyp. If im wrong some one correct me please lol I am still just here to expand my knowledge Im not a die hard believer in what I have stated. It just seems like what I have noticed.

Test C and Test E are very similar compounds with almost identical half-lives (Test C being slightly longer), for the most part, I would say they are interchangeable. The only thing of note is that you might have to adjust your PCT start date by a few days longer with Test C, but that is about it.

This stability that you are talking about with the 2 compounds is typically achieved through dosing frequency. A lot of TRT guys will inject twice a week for those desired stable blood levels that you mentioned. Persons running a cycle will usually take injections twice a week anyway due to the sheer volume of compounds they must inject.

The only advantage that I see when it comes to Test C over Test E is when it comes to the UGL scene, it usually has less PIP. I hope this helps.
I would chose cyp for TRT just because usually I find that most the guys on TRT prefer test cyp. And I figure that it is because it's less injections if they are doing it once a week. I could be wrong. I find though that a lot of guys on TRT are sick of injecting all the time and just want to inject something once a week.
The TRT preference for Cyp that you talk about doesn’t come from the patient it comes from the medical professional that prescribes it. That preference is usually also specific to the geography that one resides in. In the United States its Cyp in in other parts of the world it’s something totally different. In the UK I believe its Sust (could be wrong someone correct me if so).

I consider cyp usually as a ester that is injected once a week. And I consider test E something injected twice per week. That is just what I have noticed the majority of people doing. So I figure injecting test E twice a week gives more stable blood levels. And test C once a week might not be as stable of blood levels but it seems that's what most Doctors give patients still is test cyp. If im wrong some one correct me please lol I am still just here to expand my knowledge Im not a die hard believer in what I have stated. It just seems like what I have noticed.

Test C and Test E are very similar compounds with almost identical half-lives (Test C being slightly longer), for the most part, I would say they are interchangeable. The only thing of note is that you might have to adjust your PCT start date by a few days longer with Test C, but that is about it.

This stability that you are talking about with the 2 compounds is typically achieved through dosing frequency. A lot of TRT guys will inject twice a week for those desired stable blood levels that you mentioned. Persons running a cycle will usually take injections twice a week anyway due to the sheer volume of compounds they must inject.

The only advantage that I see when it comes to Test C over Test E is when it comes to the UGL scene, it usually has less PIP. I hope this helps.