Whats your favorite style of cardio?


Bob died for our sins
I have kinda grown impartial to the treadmill set at a high incline.

My rear area is starting to devlop nice and is getting harder from it.

Which is amazing getting me to do cardio was like trying to get a rock star into rehab
Besides sex? hehehehe :D
I love to do heavy bag work for my cardio. I do love to run and I also love skipping. I combine my bag workout with skipping so I'd have to say that that's my favorite. :)
i dig the stair stepper and running.

Milhouse, it took me like 3 years to finally zone out while doing cardio. i hate it, but im slowly starting to love it,,, i gu,,,,ess

Cardio? Hate it...but it's necessary. I do stepper and stationary bike. Lucky me I have them at home so it's easier to watch a good movie and try to forget i am doing cardio. Though i never succeded, no mater how thrilling the movie was...:)
Treadmill, big incline moderate pace. You're right, Milly. Does amazing things for the tush. ;)

Other than that heavy bag. There's just something about the release I LOVE!
I'd have to say the elliptical machine. It allows so much more movement than walking, you can adjust the resistance, hits your hams or quads(depending on if you're going forward or backward), is very easy on your joints, and is just enough to simulate running w/o causing me to get my breathe out of wack. Great workout!