whats your take on superdrol


New member
did some reading up on superdrol and it sounds prety good but was wondering what you views on it were and if it's worth the effort into making it

also what is it made up of M1T and anadrol or something by its self
that was the only thing i couldn't figure out
m1t is crap.... superdrol is totally different then anadrol....

most people will tell you to do a type of test.... what are ur stats... height weight age ect...

i did use superdrol though, got good gains off of it, about 12 lbs in 4 weeks wtih takin 20mg a day once in the morning and then an hour before i lift.... got really bad side effects though, broke out real real bad on my face and back.... had mood swings a bunch of times..... superdrol dries u out so u gotta drink a ton of water, id recommend atleast 2 gallons a day.... its a lot of lean mass, it doesnt bulk you up at all, just harders muscles alot

but if i could do so, i wouldnt have taken it, would have trained, saved up for a test... trained harder.... waited a couple of years, and then thought about taking something
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superdrol is double methylsated masteron. I'd rather just use masteron. My training parntner used it and was not impressed.
i figured someone who was talking about taking supedrol and reading up on m1t and anadrol didnt want to do injections.... but yes masteron would be a good choice, but he is most likely not ready for that, or even a superdrol
not ready for that or even superdrol :)

may i ask what my stats have to do with me doing a cycle
why do you need to know my stats you already think i am not ready for
we will leave my stats out this
alls i want to know is what its about how it works and if it will be good
i already know about me
i want to learn about superdrol
not a hard question now that i got my rant out of the way

does any else know somthing about superdrol that can help me determine
how good it is weather its worth it and since its not good by itself what to run it with
wood78221 said:
how did that go? i had considered trying that. i used SD alone, it was amazing for me.

I've used some PH's that were amazing as well, in comparasin to other OTC supps........not in comparasin to 500+ mg of test.

My favorite PH is anaotestin by uscle tech.
wood78221 said:
how did that go? i had considered trying that. i used SD alone, it was amazing for me.

When I threw in the superdrol I had a big push in strength, although overall I feel SD is very harsh on the body and I have no plans to use it again.
LiftTillIDie said:
When I threw in the superdrol I had a big push in strength, although overall I feel SD is very harsh on the body and I have no plans to use it again.

Same. Test is much better.
LiftTillIDie said:
When I threw in the superdrol I had a big push in strength, although overall I feel SD is very harsh on the body and I have no plans to use it again.

i heard that. the strength was amazing for me. gained some mass as well...but i like test alot better. but as for SD...i felt like shit everyday on it.
This is very effective for OTC, but it comes with sides as stated-lethargy, I mean it gives new meaning to the word lethargy. I think Webster when they come out with the new 2007 Unabridged Dictonary under lethargy it will say see: Superdrol. Also expect shut down and a messed up lipid profile.

Did it work for me, yes. Stacked it 20mg day with Prostanozol 200mg day for 3/4 weeks respectively. Lean mass and strength gains but felt like sh*t 24/7.

Would not consider it if I could get real gear. Have some extra but it will probably go to waste. Found other ph's to be effective without the sides. Maybe partly my age too, I don't know.

If you choose to then like was said a lot of water, it will dehydrate you. And carb up while on for max effect. Taurine for the back pumps although I question the effectiveness.
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I tried superdrol about a year ago because I heard it worked really good. It did work really good and I strenght gains went up quick, but I thought about had bad it was on my body and quit..and when I did that my strenght gains went down a whole lot in just a couple of days..so it was pretty much a waste of time and money..and beating my body up for nothing..