Only reason making this thread is last night weirdest fucken dream ever! It was some weird shit i dont know how to explain but heres some of it. It seemed like in the future but it was like in a scientific lab setting there were these weird creatures inside of water tanks. They were cartoonish one that i would feed was shaped like a cucumber and had like a cyclops eyeball, another was a little shark and some looked like weird ass worms.
The weird part is we only looked for people that had EQ in there blood. And wed do tests on them and some had bunk or fake EQ in there system. We had to cut open our finger tips and this white ooze would come out i guess it was the EQ. I would always feed the cucumber looking animal because it didnt have teeth, i was scared to feed the little shark.
It was strange it would swim up to my finger and suck on it like if maybe they were sick or going extinct. I also remember picking up these packs full of this EQ liquid like i was a scientist or something. This has to be the weirdest no making sense dream ever lol
The weird part is we only looked for people that had EQ in there blood. And wed do tests on them and some had bunk or fake EQ in there system. We had to cut open our finger tips and this white ooze would come out i guess it was the EQ. I would always feed the cucumber looking animal because it didnt have teeth, i was scared to feed the little shark.
It was strange it would swim up to my finger and suck on it like if maybe they were sick or going extinct. I also remember picking up these packs full of this EQ liquid like i was a scientist or something. This has to be the weirdest no making sense dream ever lol