call your momma.. no really - go call your momma

Charles Bronson

old timey gentleman
took my mom in for some stomach troubles that just kept nagging at her, was told by her doc she most likely would need her gall bladder removed..

once i got her in to see the specialist they bounced us around a bit and ordered a bunch of different test.. i assumed they were milking her insurance as she has good coverage and thats what most places wil do when they strike gold on an insurance policy.. after a few days and seeing a few different docs, they informed us that she didn't need her gall bladder removed. nah, no worries then?

no, she has stomach cancer

so i am dug in , providing care for my old mom while she is on this slow decline into an illness that we know isn't going to end well. I'm all smiles and shits and giggles, i try to make her laugh and smile as much as i can - i can be a charming bastard ye. but on the inside I'm on fire boys, I'm just thinking what a sweet old woman she is and how she never did anything to anyone and this is gods great plan for her then.. this is it right

its a tough one lads..

after a year that was one kick in the balls after another, this has just about cut me in half.

you think you have problems, you think you have worries.. then you get a wake up call and realize you had no idea what real troubles were, what a real problem feels like.

let me tell you, in case you don't already know..

you only have one mother, and when she is gone - she is gone.

if you are lucky enough to still have your mom around happy and healthy - give her a call...

better yet, go to her house for no reason , just show up there and give her a big hug.

say everything you would want to say to her, as if you would never see her again.

because you never know, it might very well be the last time you see her.

and if you get a chance to say goodbye, if it turns ugly like its trying to here.. then bear up and save the tears for when she is gone. no time for that shit when really, everyday above ground is a good day

thats all i got. Bronson
Sorry to hear, big B

My own family tree stops at me now, so I can relate. All gone. Mortality.

Hang in there and be there for her.
Sorry to hear that bud. You have a great perspective and attitude about it. That is exactly what people that get news like that need. Stay strong bro and keep it up. All we can do in situations like that is try to keep it positive. When my son was sick that's all I could do and it's amazing what a little laughter and smiles can do for people.
Sorry to hear. I like your post. Ya know I lost my mom in 87' and it was tough. She went to the dentist one day for a sore in / on her cheek and there it was, cancer. My dad was an anesthesiologist MD and died 3 years before, but he was well known in Miami wit all the top doctors so my mother got the very best of the best treating her.

They cut this thing out and filled the cheek muscle with living and still attached pectoral muscle. Yep it came up her neck to her cheek to keep the muscle alive. Took a piece of skin from her butt and patched the outside. All was G2G. She looked pretty good. Then in a few months the shit came back rotted out her cheek and into the pallet of her mouth.

I spent a lot of time with her as she was getting more and more sick. I visited everyday (long drive) and one Friday I called exhausted and she said Michael don't come tonight please. I feel so sick I don't want to see anyone.

I got a call at 3:00am. I was a momma's boy :( and she was gone. :(

I tell everyone the same as you are saying man. I had time with my dad and opened up to him. I had time and opened up with my mom and I tell you that's the saving grace that kept me moving. I got it all out and we talked.

Thanks for sharing ! Some times it's hard to tell all these jacked up muscle heads what's real in life.

Good luck n hang in there........ OMM
Damnit Charlie, I thought this was a clever and yet another funny intro story. :(

I'm totally sorry to hear that you're suffering ANOTHER blow to your life. I agree, you only get one mom - and it's best to treat her with the respect and love for someone that brought you into this world.

Shiiiiit, now I'm going to call my mom. :crying:
This kinda hit a sore spot, and i'm not sure what to feel about this topic. First of all, I am sorry to hear about you mom, as someone who lost his father when I was only 32, I can relate. I never had the chance to say goodbye, I spoke to him that morning and then later that night, sitting home, fire dept pager goes off for my parents addy, full arrest when i got there, really f'ed me up. But this post is about mothers.....I haven't spoke to mine in months, I mean, its not like we had a huge fight or anything, she got a boyfriend and kinda disappeared. It really sucks, because she doesn't even see her 5 grand kids anymore. So, yeah, I should call her more, but its not like she makes an effort back, so i am kinda stuck. I have and still do sometimes think, if she died, would anyone even call me to let know? I know I should call, but I have stuck out the olive branch before, and nothing ever comes of it.

I love her and always will, but I think I need to wait for her to be ready and call me. :(