When E2 goes down, T goes up? (TRT)


New member
Is that correct ?

If someone has high e2, and then lowers e2, would their free t and total t go up ? would that show on blood work, like would they see increased T and Free numbers when their E2 gets lowered by let's say 50%?
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Estradiol binds to your SHBG as well. So high E2 actually increases your Free T all things remaining equal. Lowering E2 would result in lower Free T.

Total T would likely increase slightly as lower E2 would mean less testosterone is being "lost" to aromatization.
Estradiol binds to your SHBG as well. So high E2 actually increases your Free T all things remaining equal. Lowering E2 would result in lower Free T.

Total T would likely increase slightly as lower E2 would mean less testosterone is being "lost" to aromatization.

My T is 1050 now and estradiol 23. That means i dont have to use an AI, right? Probably this doesnt change right?