when is it really best to take your protien shake?


New member
I have seen a hundred different answers in a hundred different places. so i have concluded on an answer that was the underlying denominator in all the answers that connect them together. Some say before your work out, others say after your workout, others say during your workout. I have concluded that it is best to take in at least 30% of your protien macronutrient needs 30 minutes after your workout. The rest of your macronutrient needs need to be taken in anytime your blood sugar will spike so that is after moderate to high carb meals. This is just my oppinion and I am no where close to an expert. I just believe it has worked for me.
First thing in the morning fast absorbing proteins are important and post workout as well. And slow absorbing protein before bed. Those are the most important times to.supplement with high quality protein sources.
Morning and post workout, whey. Before bed casein

I think that all educated bros here would agree with this