I started pinning about a week ago today was my 3rd pin.Running 750mg of test e. When should I get my bloodwork done to see if my gear is legit?
we need to know what country and state you're in. My answer as an Australian is very different to that a Canadian will give you, which will be different from a Yankee
6 weeks is what i would do
Could I do it 2weeks in to get a general idea if the gear is even real?
I did test 3 weeks in on 500mg/week it put me 1430ng/dl 750 should put 3 weeks in about 2100ng/dl
sure also you can do 2 weeks in test if it's not above 1000ng/dl on such dose then it's definitely fake.
That's incorrect. AAS are not a one-size-fits-all type of deal. 500mg after 2 weeks would probably put me around 7-800ng/dl in that time frame. Would he at least know it's not straight oil? Sure. But then he has to pay again at around 5 weeks in to make sure his AI is properly dosed and everything is okay.
So the answer (imo) is if you want to pay for a test twice OP. If you don't mind spending the money again, a test now will at least tell you if there's SOMETHING in the vial.
I hope you're running an AI with that much testosterone. Of course, a blood test in a few weeks will tell you why.
My .02c
I sit on 750 n/gs naturally. I heard that if your stuff its real the 10x rule should be used. For example 500m/g of test should be 5000n/g of testosterone. Does anyone know which one is right?
That's not right either.
The way in which AAS is metabolized has way too many factors to give a straight up rule of thumb for dose equivalencies. The closest I've seen is ROUGHLY the "4x rule", but even that has pretty tight limits - especially at higher doses.
Pharmacy purchased testosterone at different doses is honestly the best way, but in all honesty, it still comes down to trusting your source.
Ive been forced to use sketchy UGLS(Im not saying who) but If my test came back at 750 I would be seriously upset.
If you're pinning 100mg/wk, that's actually not shabby. However, with your dose of 750mg/wk, I'd start thinking of switching labs if your total testosterone came back under 2,000ng/dL. (3k is a pretty realistic number, but I often see closer to 2k myself, even on pharma from CVS)