when to take nitro


I'm kind of a big deal...
i just got nitric oxide pills. i take three a day but it doesent specify when to take them. any ideas
never..... great that helps me alot. I already bought it and I dont juice so im trying diffrent things. aboot, im taking it for size and definition. when is the best time to take it.
30- 45 min before breakfast and or lunch or workout is the norm. I have not taken it in years, so maybe there are new ways since then.
laxmel2 said:
never..... great that helps me alot. I already bought it and I dont juice so im trying diffrent things. aboot, im taking it for size and definition. when is the best time to take it.
whether you juice or not is completely irrelevant. you can try all the different things you want. its been said a billion times on every board out there: NO products dont do anything. Arginine keeps you looking slightly more pumped for a few hours. Why dont people fucking listen?

If you want to be a hard head and try a bunch of other shit that doesnt work, pick up some HMB, ribose, creatine serum, and ADenergy.

size and definition? gimme a fucking break. For size you need muscle, for definition you need low bodyfat. How the fuck is arginine going to accomplish progress in either one of those goals, muchless at the same time?
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suareezay, im just trying to get informed because I oviously dont now everything like you, way to be a prick about it.
laxmel2 said:
suareezay, im just trying to get informed because I oviously dont now everything like you, way to be a prick about it.
well, didnt mean to sound like such a prick, but yea man, its pretty widely known NO products are a gimmick and dont really contribute anything towards size, strength, body composition, etc. If you want size, just eat more. If youre already eating enough, then just give it time. Creatine always helps as well.
ok, i wasent shure thanks, i herd that stuff like NO explode where crap but i had no idea about the pills. ive been eating right and i also take Kre-Alkalyn which works great. i am also taking amino max and zma. and for my shakes i do a protien, carb mix, and glutamine