When to up the weight on an exercise


New member
once a workout is complete is it true that you should lift the same weights again. I've heard that you need to increase weight on every exercise every time you train a muscle group. Is that true or should I listen to my body and only move on once I think I ready.
you dont have to increase every workout, but generally if your goal is to gain size/strength you should be increasing over time. a few reps here, a couple pounds there, its the consistent improvement over time that you are looking for.
I'm not sure if I'm following your question...I think you need to listen to your body, what works for me may not for you..I increase weight every set within a particular movement, but I lift for power and size...On my 1rm, I move up only when I'm able to reach a rep count of six on that particular weight...ex. if my 1rm is 370 this week, I won't move up until I can rep 370 for six. I'm not sure if this helps, but imo, you should listen to your body and move up when it's comfortable to do so without risking some sort of injury, etc..
For size the goal is to constantly be getting stronger or increasing reps. However, listening to your body is much more important. You can't lift the same on days where your sick, or had a very stressful day, etc etc.
the whole, increase weight/rep the following week can only work oh so much. you will get stuck and sometimes, even decrease weights/reps.

quite a normal thing. so gudluck