When you first started gear, what could have been said to make you stop?


New member
Hello Everyone,

I'll try and keep this as short and simple as possible. I recently found out my close mate and gym buddy has started taken test e (don't know the doses). He is 26, about 85kg and pretty far from his genetic potential, only been training a few years. A few of his mates have tried encouraging him to wait a few more years before he gets on it but I don't know it anything we say is going to really help, he's stubborn as fuck. He claims he is only going to do one 12 week cycle and that's it but I have been reading up and by the sounds of it no one does just one cycle. He says that because he is not going beyond his genetic potential he is likely to keep most of the gains he makes through it then will train without gear.

I suppose my 2 main questions would be;

1. When you started is there anything that would be said to you that would make you reconsider?

2. From what I've read he won't keep the gains after he comes off? Am I wrong because he thinks otherwise.

3. If he does decide to come of after only a month in, would his PCT be the same?

At the end of the day it's his body and his life and it does sounds like he has done a lot of reading on it. I just don't know if it's the right time for him to start using gear but I guess that ship has sailed.

Any feedback is appreciated, cheers.
Hello Everyone,

I'll try and keep this as short and simple as possible. I recently found out my close mate and gym buddy has started taken test e (don't know the doses). He is 26, about 85kg and pretty far from his genetic potential, only been training a few years. A few of his mates have tried encouraging him to wait a few more years before he gets on it but I don't know it anything we say is going to really help, he's stubborn as fuck. He claims he is only going to do one 12 week cycle and that's it but I have been reading up and by the sounds of it no one does just one cycle. He says that because he is not going beyond his genetic potential he is likely to keep most of the gains he makes through it then will train without gear.

I suppose my 2 main questions would be;

1. When you started is there anything that would be said to you that would make you reconsider?

2. From what I've read he won't keep the gains after he comes off? Am I wrong because he thinks otherwise.

3. If he does decide to come of after only a month in, would his PCT be the same?

At the end of the day it's his body and his life and it does sounds like he has done a lot of reading on it. I just don't know if it's the right time for him to start using gear but I guess that ship has sailed.

Any feedback is appreciated, cheers.

I had everything I needed right here when I did my first go around. Can't say I had much resistance. My age was mentioned, I was 24. Oh well.

As long as he doesn't go beyond his genetic potential.. which is hard to judge in itself. He can totally keep most of what he gains. He won't keep the few lbs of "on" weight.. but if he eats enough during cycle, post cycle, and beyond.. he can keep a very generous percentage of it.

Lastly, if he stopped after 4 weeks. Which wouldn't even be enough time to see anything out of Test E.. the answer is YES, he would have to do normal PCT still. It's the most important part no matter what the scenario. Never skimp on it.. Clomid and Nolvadex. Preferably HCG on cycle to make the recovery easier..

Honestly, what you could do is learn about it here yourself and come up with some educated questions for him.

Is he monitoring his estrogen with bloodworks? His total test? Hematocrit? Liver values? LH, FSH? What do all of these indicate?

Is he taking HCG? Why? How crucial is it?

Is he rotating injection sites more than L and R Glutes?

How long does he wait between last pin of cycle, and beginning of PCT?

Is he taking an aromatase inhibitor? How much and how often? Why?

He's already started. If you want to help, learn more than him.. and ensure he goes about it all correctly. The best part of this all is he at least knows to do Test only for first cycle. That's a great start.

Read all of our stickies in the AAS forum. They are at the top of the AAS section. Beginner guides, very powerful tools here, learn and then preach. Your buddy has it somewhat right it sounds like, let's see if you can quiz him and find out if he has it more thought out than you expected.
1. No. I was more than ready.

2. With a perfect diet, and appropriate training methods - I'd say he 'may' keep about 5% of his gains.

3. Yes.
Thanks for the advice. I don't really know much details about his cycle yet. When we all found out it was met with quite a bit of resistance which probably didn't help him open up. I'll find what I can and in the mean time do what research everything and anything.

If anyone has an option they would like to chip in further it would be much appreciated!

I was 35 and starting TRT anyway. I'm actually glad I waited till the age I did. I was out of the gym for over 7 years once I started over and the guy that signed me up for my membership to the gym was surprised by my size that I hadn't touched weights in that time.

Stay natural as long as you can is my advice. You'll benefit more from it in the end. just my opinion.
We have talked a bit more about it and there's a 0% he's stopping anytime soon. This is a copy of his cycle. He's already mid cycle so I guess I'm more interested in the PCT to see if it's correct.


Week 1-10
250mg Testosterone Enanthate (Test E)
2 injections a week

Week 1-12
0.25 Anastrozoloe (Adex)
Take at the of day
Reduce to 0.125 for last 2 weeks

Week 2-10
300mg Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG)
2 injections a week


Week 13-16
20mg Tamoxifen Citrate (Nolva)
2 tablets a day for the first week, 1 tablet a day for the following 3 weeks

It seems everyone is divided on clomy or nolva, I have noticed people recommending both for PCT. What I gathered is both are fairly bad for you so why take both over just one? I also don't really understand what adex does.

Thanks for all the replies.
Clomid and nolvadex work best when combined together. Your friend has a very well planned out cycle if I were you I wouldn't worry about him.