Where do i get blood testing done??


New member
I used to go to my general doc but after his b.s about how testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is bad with places that are "mail ordered scripts" are just roid dealers ive decided i dont wanna go back to them for a blood test if i dont have to.. Not to mention they were really trying to push me into seeing their endo...........

Now my insurance would pay for the test at my docs office...
Can i just go to a labcorp and get my own blood test to see where my levels are at without a doc script?

I remember seeing awhile ago someone posted that they were getting testing done for 50 at some place (labcorp)?

Anyone got any idea or can point me in the right direction on this???
Check out the cheap bloodwork sticky by blondie. It uses Private MD labs. Will cost you about 50 bucks to get the panel done.
since your a Maximus client you should be ordering your blood test from them.

Thats what I do.
since your a Maximus client you should be ordering your blood test from them.

Thats what I do.

correct me if im wrong on this, isnt the blood test through maximus 300+? ive always gotten them done at my docs office so ins pays for it..

i dont wanna sound bad on this but i would perfer to have my ins pay for it if i can.. unless its only about 50 which looking at private medlabs it looks like its 180 for the male hormone test, unless im looking at the wrong spot for that test. I would like to bypass the b.s with my doc and get it done else where and send it to Maximus like i always have done so Chip can give me his insight on where to tweak and where to stay..

anyone know if i can get a blood test and then submit it to the ins for payment??

The $50 test (after discount code) is the Hormone Panel For Females. It includes Total Test and Estrodiol along with a few other tests. It does not include everything Maximus' panel includes. I've never had it run, just read about it.
The $50 test (after discount code) is the Hormone Panel For Females. It includes Total Test and Estrodiol along with a few other tests. It does not include everything Maximus' panel includes. I've never had it run, just read about it.

Whats the secret discount code??

Thats perfect cause i wanna see where my estrogen levels are at right now.