Where do you most often shoot?


I know this has been talked about before but thought we could say what needles we use and where.

I more or less only use the vastus lateralis and glutes with blue needles but I am looking for new spots. Have tried delts but dont have any needles for that now.

So where do you guys use blue needles? blue is the smallest I have at home.

22g. To this day I still thank SCNTO for talking me into trying quads instead of glutes. Thanks man! ;)

I still do glutes sometimes.
right leg and left leg
alot more options and
its easier to sit on the toilet after a hot bath and shoot away
22 1.5
25ers go into the glutes, quads, delts and soon to be back of the tri's. that is if I can figure out how to do it.
I am using 27g 1/2" pins and injecting ED. My rotation:
L delt, R delt. L tri, R tri. L trap, R trap. L bicep (outer) R bicep (inner)<-next time around I rotate outer and inner...the two I mentioned seem to get hit more often because I know the spots that miss the veins for them
L pec, R pec.