Where is best place to get syringes from and what's smallest gauge for test cyp


New member
Looking for advice on best place to get really sharp syringes and smallest size I can get away with. I have a script but my docs office said if I ordered on line I probably wouldn't need it but he wrote one out one just in case. My local chain pharmacy has about the dullest points ever!! Plus I can't draw my test cyp (Watson if that helps with type) with their insulin 25 gauge needles and those super thin 1cc syringes are a pain for me glutes. I dont bend or twist well since my injury. To dull for me wanting to jab elsewhere either. They actually don't understand why I would swap needles after drawing either! They didn't think the look I need a sledge to hammer to pound it into my glutes was funny either!
My docs nurses have called a dozen times telling em what to order and they can't get it straight but they don't have a source open to public for me to order through either. Even with people I know personally looking in the pharmacies system they can't find right syringes. I can get away with 21. 5 points but again theirs are dulls as can be and I get dinged hard by my insurance the way the pharmacy gives me useless points instead of right ones attached. I'm basically paying twice plus full price for extra points and don't get enough useable points.
Im old enough to remember the old country vet store visits and those working perfectly fine. But they appear to all be made in China and prices now don't make that worth the risk or price when I can buy them legitimately. Don't seem thst sharp either. I give all of my dogs their vaccinations, etc myself since its a hundred times cheaper doing it myself.
I feel bad always hitting up my docs office and only a few nurses that know me aren't stingy or get me better brand that's like knife in hot butter for my scarred up rear.
Any recommendations for a budget minded purcahse and what's best guage to use if I can use something else other then 21.5. I don't want to be buying points I cannot use anymore. I have enough of them lying around as it is that I cannot use.
Thanks in advance. This site is awesome.
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Hey bro i personally wouldnt buy my syringes by looking for the cheapest ones you can find...try and stick with Terumo or B&D...Shouldnt cost you no more than $25 for a box of 100... i use 25g 1inch for everywhere but if you dont like them go with 22g 1-1/2.... you can draw easily with them also..
U need a 23 or 25 gauge needle. I'd go with a 1.5 for glutes. I personally like 23x1 for quads and delts. I don't do glutes. Check out site sponsors for pins and YouTube for injection methods. 21 gauge needle is too big.
Hey bro i personally wouldnt buy my syringes by looking for the cheapest ones you can find...try and stick with Terumo or B&D...Shouldnt cost you no more than $25 for a box of 100... i use 25g 1inch for everywhere but if you dont like them go with 22g 1-1/2.... you can draw easily with them also..

I thought he said he was looking to buy the sharpest ones, not the cheapest. But then again, I couldn't read that whole mess there. I need paragraphs.
I've always just gone to my local legit pharm and order boxes of 100 for about $20-$25. 22 or 23 is the way to go and I order boxes of 18gauge heads to draw. Not sure of price but cheaper than full syringes and super easy to draw anything quick.
I am paying $18 for 6 at my local pharmacy plus whatever the xtra needles cost me not insured at my local pharmacy. That is with insurance picking up part of the tab for the orginal syringes but not the extra needles.
Im just on a budget and don't want to get whacked three dollars a syringe. I still want a sharp stick. I figured some brands had to be better then others as my local pharmacy brand is horrible and all they will offer yet doctors aren't bad. I'm out of docs brand and do not remember name.
Honestly, if people behind the counter didn't know my situation I doubt they would have even gave them to yet they are giving me the test. I don't think they do a lot of injectables for hormones/test. Doctors in our area like that visit for the extra dough to charge for the nurse doing the injection.
Thank you all , ill check out the places and brands recomended.
I haven't slept in a while and my train of thought goes out the door after about day three. So I apologize if I'm not being concise or jumping around its a pita. My new pain doc is trying something week so I am hoping it helps with pain finally.
Thank you again.
18 dollars for 6 pins? You are getting raped Bro. You need to check out these and other sites.
BTW, you would be surprised what you can find on egay as well.
I am not from Canada. My state requires a script for a pharmacy to
Give you syringes.
Even my doc was shocked at what the local big chain pharmacy was whacking me for last year plus.
We do not need scripts for vet grade stuff though. That has been that way as long as I can remember and never made sense to me. It's stupid.
But if your a junkie they just stroll into one of numerous places and they get x amount of free hypes every visit if they sign some promise not to share! Hahaha yeah that won't happen.
I've got an order placed and great prices to boot.

Just a heads up if you live in a restricted hypo
state medvet won't sell em under any circumstance. They just called me and said their canceling the order since I don't have a DEA number or whatever they called it.
Wow, junkies get em free in this state, if I want to order from place I get my dogs meds no questions asked either but prices have skyrockets as they don't carry smaller guages any more. Still I've got a script for 200 hundred to boot didnt expect that since I mail order for my dogs stuff all tje time. Oh well back to one of other places and slightly higher prices.
Just a heads up if you live in a restricted hypo
state medvet won't sell em under any circumstance. They just called me and said their canceling the order since I don't have a DEA number or whatever they called it.
Wow, junkies get em free in this state, if I want to order from place I get my dogs meds no questions asked either but prices have skyrockets as they don't carry smaller guages any more. Still I've got a script for 200 hundred to boot didnt expect that since I mail order for my dogs stuff all tje time. Oh well back to one of other places and slightly higher prices.

Had the same experience too; they wanted my veternarian's license no... So, I went with RUI.
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Sorry ;(
I walked into a small new pharmacy that is a compounding specialist. Pharmacist refused to sell me a case at first but said he could legally sell me a few. I'm sure I looked like and addict. I hadn't shaved in a few days. Big oversized jacket and boots not tied. I told him I was on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) and had scripts. He ordered me a case on the spot and got me sqaured away. Dropped of my script for 200 when I picked up the first case as know he's pricing all my meds that I pay for our of pocket offering me $5 above cost. I explained I was getting ripped off by a big chain and my doc is wiritting bulk scripts for everything so I can get the better savings so he got it.
I've ordered em online before for dogs even when my states law were tougher without issue but they also charged a premium. A few for once a year wasn't a big deal to me.

Look at the peptide research places. All the ones I looked seemed to sell by 25 that werent to outrageous. Some were dirt cheap too.