Where is the fat coming from?


New member
Hey guys.. I started off around 138 pounds, and am now around 185 pounds (I'm proud of the gain). I've been fairly consistent with my diet, however a lot of the weight I've gained is going to fat (mostly around the waist). I was 12% bf a while ago, now i'm just over 16% last I checked...

Here's the general diet for the week:

9am: protein shake (300ml milk, usually 3 scoops prolab nlarge^2) - just switched powders to something with less carbs, and added a cup of dry oatmeal to the shake

11am - a few chunks of cheddar cheese, granola/nutrgrain bar, fruit cup, mandarin orange

1-2pm - sandwhich (turkey breast, cucumber, margarine, pickles, cheddar cheese, etc), bucket of grapes

4-5pm - 1 chicken breast, some cucumber, cherry tomatoes

7-8pm - dinner, usually pasta/stiry fry, etc, varies.. need more consistency

11-12pm - another protein shake as in the morning

I've just started doing 15 mins of light cardio every day to try and help, but not noticing much of a difference. What sort of foods should I add/remove from my diet to help (I don't eat eggs or red meat).

I can post my routine if it will help, but for now I'd like to focus on the foods. Any advice is appreciated.
any long term weight gain will be accompanied with some fat gain. Bulk first and get that size, once you feel good then worry about losing bf and dieting. And congrats on the gains, how long did it take
Thanks, the gains were just over a year, although not a lot for the first few months. A lot of people said it's impossible to gain weight when you are the size I was...

As for the diet I'm not wanting to do a whole cutting phase yet, just looking for a few pointers on improving the diet.
Very Impresive gain. And like they said a 50 lb increase in weight will be accompanied by fat. So with that said

1st Meal: I'd drop the N-Large and go with straight Whey Protein Isolate Along with 1 cup of Oatmeal and 1 piece of Fruit.

2nd Meal: 6-8 oz. Chicken Breast and Brown Rice or Sweet Potato

3rd Meal: Use a 12 Grain Bread (along with 6 - 8 oz. Deli Turkey) Use some tomato and cucumber with some NonFat Mayo. Add some Natural Plain Yogurt to go along with it.

4th Meal: I'll make this Postworkout - Another 50g Whey Protein Isolate and 2-3 scoops Nutrex Vitargo.

5th Meal: I like your idea- Some ideas (Pasta and shrimp) or (Stir Fry) good choices. Make sure with the stir fry to use rice/chicken/vegtables/stir fry sauce. Good choice.

6th Meal: Cottage Cheese

Your on the right track, take some of the ideas if you want or give this a try and i think you'll start to notice a new growth spurt.

Like your post says You need to be consistent. That is the most important thing when getting bigger. Good Luck with Your goals.

The serving sizes are going to be based on your metabolism. Just adjust the amounts.
Thanks for the tips.

I have dropped the Nlarge, and am now using something called "Evopro" (and a similar product the past 2 weeks). Per scoop it is 145 calories, <3g fag, 26g protein, etc... Should I switch again?

I've always used white sushi rice for my stuff... Brown rice is better?

I'll do some reading on what Nutrex Vitargo is as well.

6-8oz of deli turkey seems like a lot, I usually have that much per week. Maybe that's my problem? I'll add more to the sandwhiches.

Thanks again for the advice.
you may want to cut the high gi carbs (pasta, rice etc.) out after 3pm. eat protein and greens after then and it may help you some. helps me.
Are you still bulking or are you ready to lean out? Fat gain = too may calories. If your bulking look at it like insurace that you are hitting your daily number. It's still cold outside, keep eating and lifting heavy with your newfound bulk.
i bulked it up to 40 pounds with shity fast joints in 6 months , now hitting it with clean food only for 2 months, lost bodyfat a little but havent droped any weight. Shit was hard on body but got decent results.
tman55 said:
you may want to cut the high gi carbs (pasta, rice etc.) out after 3pm. eat protein and greens after then and it may help you some. helps me.
I find it hard to cut out the pasta and rice, as those are some of the easiest things for me to cook. Whats better stuff to eat after 3?

And yea, I'm still trying to bulk a bit, the weight is good but the size isn't quite where I'd want it.
It is very hard to cut fat and bulk at the same time. Some do it but gains are usually slower than if they gain bodyfat in the process. Anyway, I try and eat more lean meat, green leafy vegetables, good fats (limited amount) after 3 or 4 pm. Once I started to do this in combination with eating alot of protein and greens after 3 or 4 i found for me a anyway that i was able to make gains and stay relatively lean at the same time. If you like the rice and carbs just make the rice brown rice and limit the pasta amounts. Maybe eat slower so you feel full before you are done with all that food. I guess the other option is to eat whatever you can while you are bulking and cut later. Are you a BB or in this to look good or what are your personal goals? Oh and as a rule any food that is white or processed is going to be high gi and have a quick blood sugar reaction in your body which will be stored as fat in most cases. if you try and limit those types of foods to the am and after a workout you will be doing much better. in the evening and overnight especially you are healing and growing and you need protein at those times. in the morning and through the day you need the carbs for energy. you do need protein throughout the entire day and lots of water
your fat content in the diet is to LOW . add in flax oil , tuna, salmon, natty peanut butter [ not peter pan or jiff its at the health food store ] , and any other GOOD fats you can find . your body needs healthy fats , it uses fat every day for normal body functions includeing hormone production [ testosterone ] . i would also include a low carb protein shake near bedtime , preferably a blend of whey isolate and concentrate or even some metrx thrown in . this gives you a blend of proteins that are processed/absorbed by the body in different amounts of time to fuel the body/muscles while you sleep .
tman55 said:
Are you a BB or in this to look good or what are your personal goals?
I'm not a BB, I'm in it to look & feel good, and see where it goes from there. I've been into the whole thing for almost 2 years, which is surprising for me.

DADAWG said:
add in flax oil , tuna, salmon, natty peanut butter [ not peter pan or jiff its at the health food store ] , and any other GOOD fats you can find . your body needs healthy fats
I looked for Flax Oil at the grocery store but didn't see any. My gym carries it, so I'll pick some up next time their store is open. Where should I add it to my deit? And, by natty peanut butter do you mean natural? I'd love to eat tuna or salmon, but I'm not into fish. It looks good but I can't bear myself to eat it.

On another note, I've bought everything else mentioned and started to add it into my diet. Not sure what to do with the Sweet potatoes (boil, microwave), I'm new to cooking etc (just moved on my own).

How much cottage cheese is a good amount for the night meal? I have a feeling it won't taste good... We'll see tonight!