Frosty said:
Why would you need omega 6 and 9 supplementation? Most people get more than enough of these from their diets alone, and the fish oil helps even things out.
Flax oil has no EPA or DHA and contains no vitamins A or D.
I wasn't suggesting that flax oil is better than fish oil, I was saying that taking both would be better than just taking fish oil.
Here's some info that I was able to find about omega 6 & 9.
I agree that if you can get enough of these from diet, you don't need to take flax.
JMO, though.
Omega 6 efa
"When the body's production of GLA is facilitated, production of the beneficial prostaglandin PGE1 increases. This prostaglandin has a number of beneficial effects:
it reduces the tendency of blood platelets to aggregate and thereby reduces the risk of blood clots
it expands contract blood vessels, which may alleviate pains associated with angina pectoris (Angina)
It expands the respiratory passages, prevents mucous formation, infections and asthma attacks
It reduces cholesterol production
It reinforces the effects of insulin
It improves the activity of the immune system (primarily via its influence on the T-Lymphocytes)
Omega 9 efa
1. Reduces joint pain and inflammation.
2. Natural enemies of cold and flu viruses.
3. Reprograms your immune system
4. Recover the simple pleasures of pain-free mobility.
Here's a article to support your post:
I haven't run across any recommendations for omega 9, however the vegetable oil table below shows that nearly all vegetable oils have a significant amount of omega 9. If most Americans get 10 times too much omega 6 and most vegetable oils are mostly omega 9, I can't see the point in taking the combo omega 3, 6, 9 supplements so I just take omega 3 from fish oil. Does omega 9 inhibit the absorption of omega 3 like omega 6 does? I don't believe there have been any trials to determine that. (
Guess I'll have to re-examine my postition!