where to buy Pramipexole? sarms cycl3


New member
Hey everyone if someone could please pm me where to get some prami I'm having a hard time finding it. I'm doing a s4/gw/osta log here and would like something to keep my libido good for the lady. Hcgenerate for 4 months is to dam exspensive
rui has it and i always have it on hand along with CIA, I highly rec you check out cia also. 10-20mg and your good for 2-3 days. not really libido but more for erection. I would rec you look into peptide Ipt-141 , that one will help libido and that along with CIA is a killer combo IMO.
Thank you guys :) good advice!
So 60ml 1mg, that's pretty much 2 months worth right? Sarms from what I know what suppress me to much so I wouldn't know how much to really use.

Would you guys have a coupon?
Thank you guys :) good advice!
So 60ml 1mg, that's pretty much 2 months worth right? Sarms from what I know what suppress me to much so I wouldn't know how much to really use.

Would you guys have a coupon?

Big sale coming up i believe the 27th but check
There is a thread here about it, it next monday, big sale. You should get longer than 2 months out of that prami. Take it at .25mg/day for a week or so then up it to .5mg/day. Take it at night before bed. I dont see the need to take more than .5mg.day to be honest.
I like juced's advice as well man. If libido is your concern Id check out IPT-141. That stuff will have your libido through the roof.
Lol how the fuck does anyone miss that big ass lion at the top of the screen? Rui has done good by me so far.
I'm curious why there's a need for a dopamine agonist with SARMs? There an elevation of prolactin with osta or something? Not passing judgement or anything, just trying to wrap my head around this as DAs don't really do much for libido, and are habit forming.
I'm curious why there's a need for a dopamine agonist with SARMs? There an elevation of prolactin with osta or something? Not passing judgement or anything, just trying to wrap my head around this as DAs don't really do much for libido, and are habit forming.

How are they habit forming? Just wondering?
There you go, I did not know dopamine agonists were habit forming. Once mentioned, it makes sense. An agonist causes a response, so a dopamine agonist cause the body to have a dopamine response. Dopamine is the drug released when you "win" or "receive an award". It is that wonderful feeling of accomplishment and success. Yeah, that feeling is easily habit forming!
There is a thread here about it, it next monday, big sale. You should get longer than 2 months out of that prami. Take it at .25mg/day for a week or so then up it to .5mg/day. Take it at night before bed. I dont see the need to take more than .5mg.day to be honest.
I like juced's advice as well man. If libido is your concern Id check out IPT-141. That stuff will have your libido through the roof.

ha thanks! and i agree on prami. more than 2 months for sure.
also maybe look into MT2 and get a tan while you raise libido. I will add that I use MT2 and dont notice this increase on libido like everyone else seems to.. but maybe its just not possible for mine to get any higher LMFAO!
Thank you guys for the replies. I'm just worried going into this cycle. I did a test/deca/eq cycle a year and a half ago and couldn't figure out how to get the stuff I needed for pct so ended up shutting down extremely hard obviously. Me and the lady go at it often and just Don't want any problems down there. So it was more of a precaution. Not going to lie reading about prami it made me think the need for hcgenerate was alot less. As hcgenerate is pretty dam exspensive to run for a couple months
Thank you guys for the replies. I'm just worried going into this cycle. I did a test/deca/eq cycle a year and a half ago and couldn't figure out how to get the stuff I needed for pct so ended up shutting down extremely hard obviously. Me and the lady go at it often and just Don't want any problems down there. So it was more of a precaution. Not going to lie reading about prami it made me think the need for hcgenerate was alot less. As hcgenerate is pretty dam exspensive to run for a couple months

I'm honestly not familiar with the mechanism by which SARMs work, but if they're suppressive, maybe a small dose of test to keep things running? Even if you're logging, I can't see a TRT dose skewing results, and it keeps that lady happy.
I'm honestly not familiar with the mechanism by which SARMs work, but if they're suppressive, maybe a small dose of test to keep things running? Even if you're logging, I can't see a TRT dose skewing results, and it keeps that lady happy.

Clomid is actually successful at countering the suppression. When I ran S4 50mg daily alongside clomid 50mg daily I actually increased TT. Osta is a bit tougher though but clomid will still work.