where to get pharmacutical grade test-e or test-c

Walgreen's. CVS. Reallybany local pharmacy will give it to you if you show them your doctor's prescription.

Watson is a common brand.
I can get you pharm grade test cypinonate and I can have fellow board members back me up as I've provided pharm grade human growth hormone.

Testosterone ethanate is not FDA approved so I can't get you ethanate if you want to keep this domestic.
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There's only one brand that's FDA approved from my knowledge, and it's HIKMA FARMACEUTICA who sells to Watson Pharmaceuticals who changes the label.
Enzo sells really good stuff. 99.98% pure as confirmed by labs. He is expensive, but totally worth it. If you don't have a script from you doctor, Enzo is your man.

It's 100% :p

Comes directing from Uncle Sam.

If there's any hesitation on your part I can probably get a screen shot from the past showing a conversation and transaction with another board member if I get their OK first. Pharma isn't cheap; I don't even price gouge, but I can't obviously sell it to you for what I get it for...
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It's 100% :p

Comes directing from Uncle Sam.

If there's any hesitation on your part I can probably get a screen shot from the past showing a conversation and transaction with another board member if I get their OK first. Pharma isn't cheap; I don't even price gouge, but I can obviously sell it to you for what I get it for...

Not sure if serious.

My sarcasm meter broken tonight? :eek:
What the fuck is this shit.

Trying to take over my customers enzo?

Im the one who sells to enzo. I can pretty much cut his prices in half.
SO this fool is stupid enough to think he can get a source to illegal drugs just like that. Do you think he is asking to get ripped off? I don't find it funny that you are pulling his leg. Anymore BS like this and I'm banning people. No warnings.