Where would you like to expand your Steroid Related knowledge?

I wanna know the difference between doing a cycle your entire life Vs Blast and Cruise, but those type of studies don't exist : /

My I should be the first "Astronaut" for that.
growing muscle doesn't harden your heart, ur arteries harden up and ur heart fails and u stroke out

Increasing cardio vascular muscle tissue(Heart atrophy) makes the heart work harder, which could theoretically lead to heart attack or other health risks.

I wonder what's the most beneficial in overall terms of health.

Blasting and cruising, or cycling. Eg 12 weeks on 12 weeks off. Though realistically there's not evidence to prove either one - I would probably lean towards cruising as your body doesn't have to constantly try and achieve homeostasis.
Hey Austinite I would love a piece on certain gear/stacks best for certain types of athletes. Whether it's that mix of aerobic/anaerobic work of a wrestler, the sprinter,long distance runner,olympiclifter! I would be stoked to read that. Always enjoy your stuff. Phenomenal.