Wheres the proof IGF causes hyperplasia?


Amateur Bodybuilder
IGF1 is a naturally produced growth factor that is expressed in a number of tissues in the body, with regard to human muscle hypertrophy, work is being done to understand the biochemical pathways that IGF1 activates. In Skeletal muscle, IGF1 enhances muscle satellite cell prolifferation and differentation which MAY lead to enhanced tissue repair and contribute myonuclei to exsisting muscle fibres. I dont know then the notion of hyperplasia. There is no hard dam data to indicate that hyperplasia is induced by IGFI.
In cell cultures (dish full of muscle precursor cells call myoblasts) the ectopic expression of IGF1 will induce differentiation of myoblasts into myotubes (muscle fibers). this will not happen in the body, but these increased myonucei will fuse to exsisting fibers, making them larger.
Bottom Line, the benifits and costs of IGF-1 use are far from known yet.
thanks Shovel, swearing by it though mmmmmm, not enough, kinda like saying I got a 12" cock. How can someone swear this happened?
There are a few studies showing satellite cell activation.

Acta Physiol Scand. 1999 Dec;167(4):301-5.

Contribution of satellite cells to IGF-I induced hypertrophy of skeletal muscle.

Barton-Davis ER, Shoturma DI, Sweeney HL.
Department of Physiology, A700 Richards Bldg., University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA 19104-6085, USA.


Insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) is critical in promoting growth of skeletal muscle. When IGF-I is introduced into mouse hindlimb muscles by viral-mediated gene transfer, local overexpression of IGF-I produces significant increases in muscle mass and strength compared with untreated controls (Barton-Davis et al. 1998). We have proposed that this functional hypertrophy is primarily owing to the activation of satellite cells which leads to increased muscle regeneration. In order to test if satellite cells are essential in mediating the hypertrophic effects of IGF-I, we used gamma radiation to destroy the proliferative capacity of satellite cells. The right hindlimbs of adult C57BL/6 male mice were subjected to one of the following treatments: (1) 2,500 rad gamma radiation only, (2) viral-mediated gene transfer of IGF-I only, (3) 2,500 rad gamma radiation plus viral-mediated gene transfer of IGF-I, or (4) no intervention as a control. Approximately 4 months after treatment, the extensor digitorum longus muscles (EDL) from both hindlimbs were removed for mechanical and morphological measurements. Treatment with gamma radiation significantly prevented normal growth of the muscle. When combined with IGF-I treatment, approximately half of the IGF-I effect was prevented by gamma radiation treatment. This suggests that the remaining half of IGF-I induced hypertrophy is owing to paracrine/autocrine effects on the adult myofibres. Thus, these data are consistent with a mechanism by which IGF-I induced muscle hypertrophy via a combination of satellite cell activation and increasing protein synthesis in differentiated myofibres.

PMID: 10632630 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Thanks but It still doesn't explain hyperplasia but explains what I know it does already.man heavy iron you or user who I was relying on here cmon you gotta have a graph.lol serious though
I use to like articles/studies on specific compounds, but I've come to realize that when there's a study showing one thing, there's usually 2 more showing the opposite.

I tend to use an article as a guideline on a way to use the compound and not as the gospel.

Real life experience from guys that have a reputation in this community is far better than what some doctor wrote. In this world, your word is everything...
Here is an old geezers explanation. I've got no copy or pasted studies just observations after being alive a long time :p

Look at the muscle mass in pre GH body builders. Now take a look at the mass post HGH. Massive difference! the mechanism this was achieved by is increased IGF-1 levels through the HGH.

So as long as the IGF sold does in fact increase your IGF levels above a certain point you can expect to gain more muscle than you would without it.

There is a lot of doubt out there about the quality of IGF being sold. I put the issue to rest, at least for me, by getting an IGF-1 test done while I was on 100mcg of DES. A 200 pt jump from my baseline that was taken just a few weeks prior tells me all i need to know.