WHEY taste and smells like dog food.. What protein do you guys use?


New member
I usually buy muscle milk at costco... but recently a friend gave me a 5lb of WHEY.. OMG... this taste like dog food.. also smells like dog food..

What do you guys take? anything that taste good as muscle milk?
I use Whey To Build Muscle at n2bm. Its the best tasting protein I've ever had. PB crunch is my favorite flavor.
I get most of my supplements from http://www.TrueNutrition.com

Their quality is high, the prices are reasonable, shipping is quick, and you can custom blend different powders (proteins/carbs/fats), select how it's sweetened, and the flavor. I highly recommend them.
solid muscle has the best whey isolate for the price

and muscle milk is a horrible whey product.. i avoid it at all costs