which do you think its better bang for buck protein


New member
i have been taking 50 grams of milk isolate in the morning and for post work out i have been taking the protein factory post work out formula which is 25% hyrolisized 520 25% cfm whey and 50% maltodexatrin.

these both cost about 6$ a pound. I was thinking maybe i should just buy the 10pound bag of optimum nutrition and use it in the morning and then just add dextrose to it and use it post work out. This way i can be sure of what im getting and it would be alot easier to just have one protein. If you guys think this a a good idea how much dextrose should i add to 50 grm of protein. If i use 2 scoops of protein can i use the same scoop and then add 2 scoops of dextrose or does that now work. thanks
Yep the 10 lb bag of ON protein is a great deal,probally the best you can find.That is what i use once i wake up and mixed with dextrose right after a workout.Then i just buy a milk+casein protein to use as a MRP mixed with oatmeal and a banana
where do you get your milk casien from? and how dextrose and whey to ass to you post work out shake. Do you think the absorbiton rate really makes a difference, i was thinking about just using the whey for every thing.
simpllyhuge said:
where do you get your milk casien from? and how dextrose and whey to ass to you post work out shake. Do you think the absorbiton rate really makes a difference, i was thinking about just using the whey for every thing.

I've seen at least two studies I believe showing evidence of milk/casein being a better general purpose protein for preserving muscle while dieting and adding muscle while bulking than whey. I just have these large plastic containers that I keep my different protein powders in. They're all marked, so it's not much of a problem using different powders at different times.

But if you must only have one protein powder, you could still get the benefits of casein by mixing your whey with large amounts of milk and/or cottage cheese at times other than first thing in the morning, pre-workout and post-workout. But gram for gram, the milk and casein proteins from the powder cost less than their whole-food counterparts.