Which fighter put the hook in you


New member
Who was the first fighter that became your favorite to watch? I think mine was Mark Coleman. I only had access to the UFC and didn't really appreciate the early "tournament" UFC's.
I would actually have to go with Mark Coleman also. I watched a lot of the early UFC but noone really stood out to me
My first pro fighter that i really admired was probably either Peter Aerts or Ernesto Hoost
(Sorry i don;t know jack about MMA the way you guys do)

Ramon Dekkers is another fighter who got me hooked!

In terms of newer fighters, I am a Self Proclaimed Masato Nut hugger though I do admit I suckle at the teat of his rival, Albert Kraus! Both of these guys are awesome

damn there are so many fighters I admire... in terms of heart though I cannot find a fighter better than Sakmongkon
Mark Coleman certainly does stand out. Oh, I just loved watching Bas Rutten fight too! :)
Muay Thai Guy said:
out of all the highlight vids of mma i had, wanderlei really got me pumped!

Oh yah, the Wandy highlight vids are awesome! Same with the Vitor Belfort highlights.
I love watching those two fight too.
Frank Shamrock and Tito Ortiz fight. What a fight. Frank Shamrock is the shit.