Getting ripped
Been thinking about what metod I should use when converting finaplix to fina. Last time I did 2 conversions at the same time. The first one went well but the second one screwed up bad. I filtered it in the coffee filter several times. Just to make sure all active ingredients came through. But it fucked up and went all cloudy in the colour.
I've been wanting to try notacow's conversion method. But first of all I'm never gonna use Methanol....see If I can find some Ethanol at the pharmacy. I'll need a script for 99.5% Ethanol but If I remember correctly they sell 93% Ethanol OC. Don't know what the other ingredients are and if they will interfere with the conversion somehow....??
One thing I don't understand with notacow's conversion is that how can he filter it once and then let it turn into crystals. And then filter the crystals with water....wouldn't they go through the filter???? They did so the first time(allthough not like crystals, but anyway)
I'm not really sure I understand how that works.
I've been wanting to try notacow's conversion method. But first of all I'm never gonna use Methanol....see If I can find some Ethanol at the pharmacy. I'll need a script for 99.5% Ethanol but If I remember correctly they sell 93% Ethanol OC. Don't know what the other ingredients are and if they will interfere with the conversion somehow....??
One thing I don't understand with notacow's conversion is that how can he filter it once and then let it turn into crystals. And then filter the crystals with water....wouldn't they go through the filter???? They did so the first time(allthough not like crystals, but anyway)
I'm not really sure I understand how that works.