which fina conversion should I go with?


Getting ripped
Been thinking about what metod I should use when converting finaplix to fina. Last time I did 2 conversions at the same time. The first one went well but the second one screwed up bad. I filtered it in the coffee filter several times. Just to make sure all active ingredients came through. But it fucked up and went all cloudy in the colour.
I've been wanting to try notacow's conversion method. But first of all I'm never gonna use Methanol....see If I can find some Ethanol at the pharmacy. I'll need a script for 99.5% Ethanol but If I remember correctly they sell 93% Ethanol OC. Don't know what the other ingredients are and if they will interfere with the conversion somehow....??

One thing I don't understand with notacow's conversion is that how can he filter it once and then let it turn into crystals. And then filter the crystals with water....wouldn't they go through the filter???? They did so the first time(allthough not like crystals, but anyway)
I'm not really sure I understand how that works.
Guess you've tried it and it worked well?
The thing is, I have a kit, a 2g kit. Guess I'll just do as the recipe says and add the "magic solution"...or?
There are bigger loses with the crystalization method. Even a good conversion will net <80% active ingredient. Just dissolve the pellets with heat, let it settle, draw off the gold and filter. You can then either try to recover more tren from the gunk, or you could save it for the next conversion. Another way to do it is the way you already tried. The method is pretty good, I dont see a need to resort to the cyrstal fina method.
What kind of conversion rate with active ingredient can I expect when going with the coffe filter method?
I'm gonna use a 2g kit. So what concentration can I expect to get when the final solution will be 20ml?
There is always particles on the filter and in the vial (which you use to mix the finaplix with the oil).
It's almost impossible to get all the particles in the filter, if you don't use a lot of oil and spray the edges of the filter and rinse the vial with oil.
So it would be OK to mix the finaplix with 10ml of oil and use the rest to get the rest of the finaplix out of the vial and spray the filter with?
WTF are you talking about? this stuff is not diamond encrusted gold nuggets. its pellets.

2g of hormone in 20ml fianl solution is 100mg/ml. having 3% waste aint gonna make any differnce in your results. just make it and do it. this is not complicated. tell your grey matter to shut up so you can do this.
Just do it!

Good explanation Pullinbig, I think people make this shit hard sometimes. People try to get everylast bit but it ain't going to happen. Dissolve, Draw, Filter, Heat, Draw, Shoot, Eat, Sleep, Grow ! Wooo Hooo
Ok, no need to be agressive!
This board is to be educational, right?
So, if you think I ask dumb questions. So be it.
But if you want to learn something you must have the guts to ask those questions.
Am I'm not right?
I did not mean to come across like that Venom. My apologies if I came across like an ass. Yes the board is for us to learn and you should not be timid to ask any question. I guess it just came across the wrong way. Good lifting man and let me know if I can help you. BTW, tren is great. Doing Prop/Tren combo now and love it!
pullinbig said:
no ones beng agressive. you asked a question and got an answer you didnt like.

Didn't like...??
Wasn't talking about the answer you gave me. Just the way you express yourself.
Cakalac, I was offended by your post. It was PB's post that make me react.
So it's cool bro!
Thanks for the excuse, which actually wasn't necessary.
No hard feelings!
When I asked Pullinbig how to make fina, here is what he told me......

Quote from Pullinbig :rolleyes: Buy a kit from Mr.T and follow the instructions provided.......it is idiot proof! Then have sex with cats

Mr.T said:
When I asked Pullinbig how to make fina, here is what he told me......

Quote from Pullinbig :rolleyes: Buy a kit from Mr.T and follow the instructions provided.......it is idiot proof! Then have sex with cats


that about sums it up. thanks mr. t you are sooooo....... helpful.
Venom said:
Cakalac, I was offended by your post. It was PB's post that make me react.
So it's cool bro!
Thanks for the excuse, which actually wasn't necessary.
No hard feelings!

guess you read something into it that wasnt there. make the pellets and quit worrying about wasting a few % points of hormone.
unless you already demented itll take 3g/w of test to find cats attractive. 2g/w and handy capped girls start looking good. (no disrespect meant towards our challenged bros and sis's out there). =0)