Which IGF (Or other peptide) for ACL repair in a female?


New member
So, would like to get some feed back, hopefully from some others who have dealt with it, to see if I can help my lady make some decisions.

She had ACL reconstruction about 2 months ago and I've been encouraging her to look into something to help the process. She had a cadaver tendon done and now, for those who don't know, the body basically changes that tendon into a ligament. They say it takes about a year to be %100.

So, judging by the properties of the IGF peptides, I'm guessing we could help speed up and further strengthen the tissue development and healing process. Seeing as how the tissue is basically creating a whole new ligament, this seems perfect.

I have a little experience with IGF-LR3 but that was years ago. At that time, it was really the only widely available IGF peptide around. It did OK for me, but I also think that the quality of the Peptides and the options have improved substantially over the past few years.

Anyone have any suggestions. I searched through the stickies and found a few good threads, but I guess I was hoping to have somebody who really understands them, or maybe somebody from RUI lead me in the right direction. Thanks!
Of course the BEST for healing is going to be full on HGH. Maybe with that sort of injury your doc will prescribe it?

Otherwise I would recommend the following:

CJC1295 with DAC - dosage will be dependent on you. Start out at maybe 500mcg 1x day per week (can split it in two if you like 250mcg x2 a week)... and work your way up. Too much will yield GH like side effects.

Ipamorelin - will help give burst releases of GH and should be amplified with the GHRH CJC1295 listed above. Start out at 100mcg 3x a day. Same thing you can work your way up in dose and if you go too high it will give GH like side effects.

IGF-LR3 - Honestly 25mcg every day worked ok for me for minor healing like tendonitis. BUT... a torn ACL maybe you could go higher. Also start low though at 25mcg and be sure to eat regularly throughout the day. I prefer this over fast acting DES. But it is only a preference.

Maybe someone with more experience can fill you in better. But this may be a good place to start researching. I hope this helps.

Take care,
Make sure she puts 100% effort into the rehab of the ACL. She has to push herself every time. I think Toshiro is right when he says that HGH would be the best healer. Also, the younger she is, obviously the faster she will heal.
Thanks Guys. She is 150% on the rehab, and that is the real problem. She is already, according to her PT and her Doc, months ahead of where most people are at this time. So needless to say,. she is having a hard time "sitting around" and letting it heal. My hope was, with some of the newer peptides that seem to encourage growth and new cell formation/maturation that we could help strengthen the tendon to shorten the repair time or at least guarantee it's strength. So, she already has full range of motion, is able to do anything her PT asks her to do, but the big problem is simply the ligament repair.

For those who aren't familiar with the surgery, they drill through your femur and tib/fib to rerun the tendon through in the original position. Then, your body begins to restructure the tendon back into a ligament. This process can take up to a year, but we were hoping with the help of modern science we could "push it along" a little.

Like I said, I have minimal experience with peptides, Only LR3 and HGH frag, as well as HGH. But, there seems to be a lot more options. so....

Toshiro, would you recommend site injection for the LR3 and would you best guess SUB-q or IM? And if IM, Lower Quad you think? I know a lot of guys (at least when I was toying around with LR3 were alwayus doing IM spot injections, but it seems a lot has changed in the science world (Bro and othewise)since then. We also used to add AA to it, which I guess nobody does anymore, which is cool cuz that shit kinda stung!

Anyway, I'm pushing her toward HGH and she is considering it. I just thought maybe there was something we could ease her in with. By the way Fantom, she is in her 40s, so not that young anymore but a phenomenal athlete still and in great shape. Any more help would be great and thanks for the responses. I'm looking at LR3, Maybe a GHRP and/or semorelin and from everything I've read, I'm real curious about TB-500, that seems like it may actually be the winner, but I would love some feedback.
I have alot of interest and Id say alot of experience with a Knee Reconstruction. Ive had a Knee reco + a Reco review (i.e. 2 reco's on the same knee). So I completely understand the desire to get the new ligament (tendon slice) up to strength and converted to a ligament asap. I know IGF encourages cell growth and TB500 encourages cell repair. I also know that the Tendon goes through some pretty major changes from a piece of tendon to a fully functioning ligament including nerve tissue. My physio was telling me its quite a transformation from tendon slice to fully functioning ligament. As you probably know tendons join muscle to bone & an ACL joins bone to bone. The ACL has many nerve fibres too that help the ligament "react" and help if flex, contract etc when the knee is put under strain (jumping, running etc).

How long has it been now since her op ? Its my belief you will be able to speed up the scar tissue recovery and recovery in general using those peptides. But I dont know if those peptides will aid in the nerve reconstruction that the tendon goes through. I had my knee reco review about 3 years ago but I knew nothing about peptides back then. Ive since used TB and can certainly vouch for its anti inflammatory properties and its ability to quicken up the process of soft tissue recovery. If I was going to recommend dosage for TB500, Id recommend 5mg every 2-3 days until the injury was feeling pretty much sorted, then 5mg a week for 2 - 4 weeks after that. Ive experienced and seen others with soft tissue inures heal over nite using TB500 at this dosage. I get minor sprains in that same knee that used to put me out for about 2 - 4 weeks, I surf and can jar my knee on a sand bank or just fall awkwardly, and probably sprain it once a year, prior to the review as well. But since discovering TB I can be back in the water the next day if not 2 - 3 days after a sprain. The killer for me is the confidence in my knee that it quickly restores. 2 - 3 days and Im just thinking "how amazing this stuff is".
The problem with buying injectable peptides off the internet, is there is governmental body is screening the stuff. Most bodybuilders don't think twice about this and it seems most of them don't have significant infection, etc. issues

I second HGH, if you can get it from a doctor that's the way to go. Sometimes you can get a doctor to inject in intra-articularly (within the joint). Check out caringmedical.com, iagh.com, regenexx.com

Those are all options.

Before you get her all juiced up stuff like: arginine, glutamine, cissus quadranglis, topical application of aloe vera/ comfrey all been shown to accelerate injury healing.

I would just be patient, otherwise give her some low-dose anavar, helladrol or anything you can find.

(Most AAS's have been shown to increase healing by increasing IGF-1, among other variables)
Thanks Guys. She is 150% on the rehab, and that is the real problem. She is already, according to her PT and her Doc, months ahead of where most people are at this time. So needless to say,. she is having a hard time "sitting around" and letting it heal. My hope was, with some of the newer peptides that seem to encourage growth and new cell formation/maturation that we could help strengthen the tendon to shorten the repair time or at least guarantee it's strength. So, she already has full range of motion, is able to do anything her PT asks her to do, but the big problem is simply the ligament repair.

For those who aren't familiar with the surgery, they drill through your femur and tib/fib to rerun the tendon through in the original position. Then, your body begins to restructure the tendon back into a ligament. This process can take up to a year, but we were hoping with the help of modern science we could "push it along" a little.

Like I said, I have minimal experience with peptides, Only LR3 and HGH frag, as well as HGH. But, there seems to be a lot more options. so....

Toshiro, would you recommend site injection for the LR3 and would you best guess SUB-q or IM? And if IM, Lower Quad you think? I know a lot of guys (at least when I was toying around with LR3 were alwayus doing IM spot injections, but it seems a lot has changed in the science world (Bro and othewise)since then. We also used to add AA to it, which I guess nobody does anymore, which is cool cuz that shit kinda stung!

Anyway, I'm pushing her toward HGH and she is considering it. I just thought maybe there was something we could ease her in with. By the way Fantom, she is in her 40s, so not that young anymore but a phenomenal athlete still and in great shape. Any more help would be great and thanks for the responses. I'm looking at LR3, Maybe a GHRP and/or semorelin and from everything I've read, I'm real curious about TB-500, that seems like it may actually be the winner, but I would love some feedback.

Sorry have not been online for a while but IGF LR3 can be done sub-q anywhere and then it circulates through the whole body. To me the IM spot injection stuff is bro science. Same for GHRH and GRHP sub-q for those work just fine too. Anything that can increase GH will help healing. Of course you are correct that if the doc can give real HGH it will be the best. (most expensive but best)