Which RB to start?!!


Which 2 do I start?

Sammy Morris, NE has TD's in the last 3 games, went for 117 last week and is up against a lousy Browns Defense.

Willie Parker, PGH has 3 100 yard games, but been not so hot in the red zone, coming off a down week, and up against a fairly tough Seahawks D.

Reggie Bush, NO off to a slow start, but coming off a 2 TD game (only 15 yards) 2 weeks ago and starting this week against a not so hot panthers D.

What would you guys do?
I'd start Morris, to me he has the best match up and better support from the passing game...jmo
personally i'd go with bush since Duece is out so he'll be getting the bulk of the carries..you never know, he's bound for a huge game, this one may be it...I think he gets better as the game goes..Although, Willie is hard to bench, he's just too good a back..the ONLY reason i'd start Morris is the match up...
i hear you...i been struggling with this one for a few days. the only reason i would bench willie is the match up as well. i blame reggie for making this such a hard decision...he should be the easy choice, but he and the saints have been balls. I'm definitely starting Morris because the pats are gonna drop a 50 spot on the Browns.
Alright, so I'm going with Morris and Fast Willie. Read a report today that said that Pittsburgh's game plan would be to lean on Willie to control the clock and keep their depleted D off the field. I'm a high risk, high reward kind of guy, but Reggie has been my big dissapointment this year.