Which Test for first cycle?


New member
Hey guys, just wondering if there are any good opinions on there in regards to which Test is optimal for a first cycle. Found a few threads touching on the topic but just wanted to get some more info.

10% Bf
5 years lifting seriously

I have my diet all figured out and just looking to bulk up. Been researching on here for a solid year now and feel pretty ready. Was planning on running test only for 8 weeks, along with aromasin as Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and Clomid for post cycle therapy (pct). Thoughts? Dosage suggestions? Thanks a lot everyone, any info is greatly appreciated!
5' 8" and 210 with 10% bf, sounds like you're already pretty thick. you should post some pics

test E or C , more than 8 weeks. go read the massive newbie sticky
View attachment 549897

Picture is kind a wee bit old but all I really have on hand. Would have been a tad lighter, probably around the 200 mark. Not really in to weight lifting for the aesthetics, more just for the strength gains. I see looking attractive as something that just comes along with it but it certainly is not my main goal. I just want to be big..

Anyways, 10 weeks more fitting would you say? I've heard mixed opinions stating 8-12 is ideal, figured I would be safest going with a slightly shorter timespan being that it is my first cycle. Thanks a lot for the reply, greatly appreciated
go for 12 weeks, you can't grow real permanent muscles that fast/ you're lean enough to really benefit read the stickies and stay with a tried and proven protocol
View attachment 549897

Picture is kind a wee bit old but all I really have on hand. Would have been a tad lighter, probably around the 200 mark. Not really in to weight lifting for the aesthetics, more just for the strength gains. I see looking attractive as something that just comes along with it but it certainly is not my main goal. I just want to be big..

Anyways, 10 weeks more fitting would you say? I've heard mixed opinions stating 8-12 is ideal, figured I would be safest going with a slightly shorter timespan being that it is my first cycle. Thanks a lot for the reply, greatly appreciated

12 weeks for sure, test e or c doesn't matter, whichever is easier for you to get hold of, you dont look 10% bf. What are you using to measure your bf %
The fellas are right. Do a long ester testosterone like E or C for 12 weeks. Run an low dose Aromatase inhibitor (AI) with it and some HCG. I will let you look up doses and post cycle therapy (pct) protocol. Good luck. On an side note, you might want to hit up 3J in the diet forum. He could help you fine tune your diet for this cycle.