Which training day is your favorite, e.g. biceps / tris / chest?


New member
So I know we've all seen this type of question before, but which days do you always look forward to in the gym?

I know a lot of people like their Bicep days, because of the pump, but to be honest with you, I get such a huge pump in my biceps that it's actually very uncomfortable. Anybody else have this kind of experience?

I'd have to say I always look forward to Back days first, and then shoulder days second. The pump I experience on these days is just the right amount. Not too much, and not too little - just right as mama bear would say. I love when my lats feel like balloons that are just ready to pop.


To people that are pump freaks, if you've never done a super-set day with chest and back, you're missing out on one of the best experiences a pump can offer you.

I don't get a good pump on my chest days usually, but when I couple it with back, and do super-sets, I feel like my whole upper body is going to explode.
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Legs and shoulders

Unless my sets are done with less of 1 minute of rest. I don't get a crazy pump with legs. Although, I'm sore for the entire week after my workout.

I love that feeling of a good leg pump though. Waddling through the gym to get to your next machine, haha.

That reminds me, my last leg day, I fell down the stairs cuz my left hammy gave out on the way down. It was quite a sight.
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Definitely back. I hate shoulders...mine respond so well to even the lightest of weights that they grow like crazy...and I think that's what caused my injury (still recovering, very slowly :( ).
Definitely back. I hate shoulders...mine respond so well to even the lightest of weights that they grow like crazy...and I think that's what caused my injury (still recovering, very slowly :( ).

You know, that's weird that you mention that.

My body only responds to heavy, fast training, like super-setting when it comes to putting on size.

My shoulders are pretty much unstoppable. I repped out 225 for a PR today on BB shoulder press, and I was scared shit less. Scared mainly because I hear stories about rotator cuff tears all the time, and I know the heavier the weight, the likelier the tear, but I had no problem at that weight. I never hear any cracking in my shoulders, or never have any joint pain in my shoulders. I wonder if shoulder pain is just a result of bad form or genetic, or both?

Oh, and another thing, which is kind of weird. Why do I get a better pump in my shoulders on my chest days than on my shoulder days. lawl, like wtf?!

How much were you trying to put up when you had a shoulder injury? Which exercise were you doing?