White bread for carbs for pwo


New member
I need some good source of high GI carbs for pwo so is white bread ok? Its cheap and I can bring it with me to the gym.
Dextrose is the best carb for pwo. If not just sugar (sucrose). Bread has starch which turns into maltose and then dextrose slowly. It's not so good for pwo.
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Ronnie Coleman and a hole lot of bodybuilders has rice for his pwo carbs not dextrose.Anyways I avoid sugar like its the black plague.I need some as good as white rice so would white bread been just as good.I know I should asked this instand.
You can use white bread, or wheat bread. The only down side is bread is an overly processed carbohydrate and it contains gluten which may bloat you.
I've been using oatmeal the hole time for pwo but I was thinking of switching to to something more of high GI.Should I just keep using oatmeal or would white bread be better for pwo?
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Oatmeal you can throw in your shake and is easy to eat. I prefer oatmeal. I'm not sure bread has higher GI than oats.
Khyron said:
I need some good source of high GI carbs for pwo so is white bread ok? Its cheap and I can bring it with me to the gym.
Bread is mostly starch rather than sugar, I believe. Don't know where exactly that puts it on the GI chart. Certainly lower than sugars like dextrose or glucose or sucrose.
fuck it, i've used white rice and white bread for pwo I hate both of them I'll just stick to my oatmeal.
Oatmeal is even more of a complex carb. Complex carbs are good, but for PWO, most guys want high GI (simple carbs, not complex). Nothing from with taking in the complex carbs if that works for you. I don't take in simple carbs PWO. OTOH, I'm not really big like so many others. As I progress in my training, I might eventually add in that dextrose.