Who here has REAL BAD tennis elbow?


New member
I've had it for years, but in the last 3 months I've had to walk out half way through my workouts due to pain. Anyone know anything that helps?

I've tried the supps. but they don't do shit for someone with it this bad. Anybody have that tendon surgery where they overlap it or something? I heard it works good.
I've had if off & on for 15 years. Cutting out the painful exercises like straight bar curls and lightening up weights for a short period of time have helped. It seems to come & go.
ART therapy worked wonders for me. I had golfers elbow and Tennis elbow so bad last summer that I couldn't lift for 2 months.

If it wasnt for this stuff I wouldn't be back to 100%. Also helped my shoulder as well.
Buffdoc and bigdawg please elaborate. I ahve never heard of either. The doc always just tells me to stop working all togethter.
buffdoc said:
One word: prolotherapy

ALright, after a quick search on that it seems basically you get a few inj. of suger water and your good to go. Sounds good, do you know anyone who has used it?
Deadlift said:
ALright, after a quick search on that it seems basically you get a few inj. of suger water and your good to go. Sounds good, do you know anyone who has used it?

Yes, me. I've had my neck and low back done, I've done my own shoulders (rotator cuff injuries), one knee (ligament injury), and other various body parts, including some bad-ass tennis elbows (mostly from curling, not tennis!)
I also give a lot of these injections in my practice, people with chronic pain as well as competitive athletes.
Prolo is short for "proliferant"-therapy, IOW, we stimulate the body to lay down new collagen in the area of injured ligaments or tendons (which are mostly collagen).
Dextrose is the most commonly used proliferant, but there are other stronger ones if needed. It's a super treatment, but probably only about 3 or 4 hundred of us in North America do this w/ any frequency or expertise, maybe less.
C. Everett Koop's an advocate (former Surgeon General of US).
In the meantime beofre you fix the problem take a shot of nubain..that will fix you up long enough to complete the most intense workout.
dallasskyline said:
In the meantime beofre you fix the problem take a shot of nubain..that will fix you up long enough to complete the most intense workout.

Nubain can be addictive, and also, one may worsen the problem by further tearing collagen fibers at their bony attachments, because the pain is masked.
Wouldn't advise it for the long run benefit.
Buffdoc, I can't seem to find anyone in canada, can you be of help? Even someone in Buffalo or something would be easy enough tp get to. I need this healed, I apreciate your help.
bro..i have it bad in my left elbow...hurts to bench and bad on alternating dumbell curls period...since i have gigantic forearms...(jk), i got knee wraps and wrap the piss out of them as i train..

also, my doc gave me some bextra...although it does not seem to last long, it does get rid of the pain enough to go to sleep as well as make it comfortable to sit...

I had it bad but seemed to cured it by doing wrist curls... also reverse wrist curls.. I had to wear one of those straps around my forearm that relieved a lot of the pain...
I have always done wrist curls, I guess they do nothing. Pain killers are only temporary and I want this problem gone. I appreciate everyones input.
Deadlift said:
Buffdoc, I can't seem to find anyone in canada, can you be of help? Even someone in Buffalo or something would be easy enough tp get to. I need this healed, I apreciate your help.

Hey bro
Below is a link to the American Academy of Orthopedic Medicine, New York area. Rochester?
Also, there's an excellent guy in Canada, I believe Toronto, named Robert Kidd. He's probably the pick of the litter. Try searching for him.

Deadlift said:
Buffdoc and bigdawg please elaborate. I ahve never heard of either. The doc always just tells me to stop working all togethter.

That was the problem with my old Doc as well, he told me to stop working out. This is the totally wrong approach. With ART the idea is to keep active.

Here is there site, you can find someone in your area from it.

Unfortunately, the person who knew the most about this is now sitting in a federal cell facing a 5-10 year sentence.

He would talk about a new kind of therapy... but I don't have his links.